Year of the Pig, Boar: characteristics and years of birth. When is the New Year of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar? What can you do in the year of the pig, New Year's menu

The New Year ends the twelve-year period, which is given over to the earth color. The dominant figure in 2019 will be the Yellow Pig (Boar). The year is the last in the cycle, but in terms of the intensity of passions, it will take a leading place in its dozen. A critical turning point will come when you will have to part with the outdated old and look into the unknown new.

The Earth Pig patronizes persistent and hardworking people. For those who prefer to constantly improve and work on themselves, the year promises a long-awaited promotion, a change of profession or the opening of their own business.


For those whose work involves constant movement and long-distance business trips, the year promises calm, safe trips. Beginning travelers and those wishing to try themselves in this business will also benefit from good luck and pleasant impressions. The element of earth presupposes the choice of ground transport: car, train, bus, but sea and air travel will also become as safe and comfortable as possible.


The Pig is very careful about personal savings, and those who have developed and invested energy in their personal business for many years will finally be able to enjoy profits. It will also be easier to earn money during this period than in previous ones. The sign favors private construction. So, if you have long dreamed of starting the redevelopment of a bathhouse, a summer house, or laying the foundation of your own home, then the time is favorable; you should not postpone it for another year. While protecting the personal, the pig does not really care about the general, so it is futile to predict prosperity and a sharp rise in the economies of entire states.

The science

The Earth Pig patronizes technological progress and scientific discoveries. Significant developments will occur in this area. Scientists will achieve great success in technology, complete long-term research, and patent new inventions. For everyone who was planning to start a scientific career or write a dissertation, it’s time to start in 2019.

2019 according to the eastern calendar for all zodiac signs

Rat in 2019 he will see the long-awaited result in his career, taking a well-deserved position as a manager or leading specialist. This will become the basis for increasing well-being. Radical changes are possible in your personal life if the relationship has already outlived its usefulness. A new partner will appear quickly, and for those who have long been striving to start a family, the Year of the Pig is favorable.

Bull will fall into “its wave”. You will have a pleasant feeling that everything this year is working out on its own, and there is no need to make any additional efforts. The time is coming for new promising financial projects. And for family vacations there will be opportunities to organize romantic trips and long-distance travel.

Tiger in the year of the boar he will feel how incredibly strong and invincible he is . The main thing is not to delude yourself too much and remember that the totem animal of this cycle favors workers and businessmen, both in business and in love. It is worth being careful with your accumulated savings and not making thoughtless expenses.

Kotu In 2019, you should pay close attention to your health. Refrain from overeating and give up sweets. Let this not upset you, but simply become a reason to switch your attention to the love sphere. An excellent solution would be to get married and create a strong, long-term union. Cat's career growth will have to wait.

The Dragon in the year of the Yellow Pig, you will find a source of internal inexhaustible energy and positivity. Financial well-being will remain throughout the entire period. Investments this year will have a long-term perspective, so you should not be afraid of large expenses; this will only affect your monetary balance in a positive way. The Dragon should pay attention to mental balance and master eastern practices: meditation or yoga.

Snake in the year of the Earth Pig, he will withdraw into himself and indulge in philosophizing. There will be a feeling that everything around you depends only on yourself. You should be more attentive to your loved one during this period, otherwise there will be cooling and mutual disappointment.

Horse She won’t have time to rest in 2019; success awaits her in all her endeavors. Promising ideas, new projects, passion for sports, health, and personal relationships will be supported by a stable financial situation.

Sheep in the year of the earthen Pig, you will be faced with the need to work hard and meticulously, but the financial reward will be an excellent motivator. Workaholic goats will learn to prioritize and make more balanced decisions.

Monkey in the coming year, she will think about her health and reconsider her existing family relationships. If priorities are set correctly, you will be able to maintain both.

Rooster He won’t have time to enjoy the results of constant work in 2018; another year of serious work and financial investments lies ahead. This is the only way in 2020 that the Rooster will be able to achieve his goals and find well-being.

Dog will face a difficult choice in the coming year. All her hard work will be noticed by her superiors and she will be offered a long-awaited position. But the prospect of your own project will appear. Her mental and financial balance will depend on the decision made.

Pig in the year of his animal he will not get bored. She will have to study a lot and master skills that are uncharacteristic for her, which will bring a lot of benefits and career advancement. The main thing is not to overwork, and spend a lot of time on health and nutrition, then the year will be prosperous in all areas.

Pig (Boar) is the twelfth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern, or Chinese animal calendar. It is associated with the energy of “yin” and “yang”. Its element is “water”. The corresponding zodiac sign is Pisces.

The pig symbolizes:
honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, determination, peacefulness, sociability, sensitivitynaivety, slowness, categoricalness, idleness, superficiality

Table of the years of the Pig (Boar)

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of the Pig give a general idea of ​​the sign and introduce it to its positive and negative qualities. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better and to understand the peculiarities of building their personal relationships and careers.

Character traits


Honesty and directness are the basis of the Pig's character. Her calm, balanced disposition and reasonable approach to everything attract others. She performs well both at work and at home.

  • Main positive character traits:
  • honesty: The Pig does not look for workarounds and cunning tricks, so you can always rely on it; achieves everything in life through his labor; It is always a pleasure to deal with her in business, as she never “stabs in the back”;
  • directness: her “yes” means “yes”, and her “no” means “no”, and the Pig expects the same from those around her; at the same time, she does not cross the line and knows how to maintain a balance between directness and harshness;
  • determination: after the Pig makes a decision, it stops at nothing and goes to the end; this quality allows her to always bring what she starts to its logical conclusion and receive well-deserved laurels;
  • peacefulness: does not tolerate conflicts; often acts as a peacemaker in quarrels; knows how to forgive others for their shortcomings; in unpleasant situations always acts more reasonably than everyone else; Peacefulness and sociability make the Pig a wonderful friend.


The Pig has few shortcomings. Most of them are the flip side of its advantages. With sufficient support from loved ones, she can easily cope with her negative qualities. It is better for her to always consult with others and not make decisions on her own.

  • Negative character traits:
  • naivety: The Pig is honest and expects the same from others; therefore she is easy to deceive; she often becomes a victim of scammers;
  • slowness: never makes hasty decisions; prefers to think everything over and only then act; therefore, matters are not resolved immediately, but after developing a clear “action plan”;
  • categorical: The Pig is principled; she divides the world into “black” and “white”, “good” and “evil”; therefore, she has no half measures, she always thinks and acts directly and categorically;
  • idleness: loves entertainment and a cheerful life; can easily become addicted to bad habits - alcohol, smoking; she likes to spend money, so even with a lot of earnings she can “lower” it to “zero”;

superficiality: The Pig often takes on many things; she strives for knowledge, but lacks orderliness; although she seems to be knowledgeable in many areas, in reality she may turn out to be an amateur.

Love and relationships

The pig chooses a life partner similar to her in character. She surrounds her chosen one with care and well-being, tries to please him in everything. At the same time, if the Pig’s passion remains unsatisfied, then after a while it seeks pleasure on the side.

She is capable of doing everything for the family, even giving up a dizzying career. She loves children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Career and profession

The pig easily climbs the career ladder. She is lucky in financial matters. She often receives bonuses and highly paid positions. He achieves everything through his own work and never goes overboard.

Recommended professions. The Pig, with its honesty, desire for justice and peacefulness, is suitable for professions in the field of working with people, as well as creative professions where its sensitivity is used. She successfully works as an actor, artist, writer, doctor, and social worker.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig 2019 can truly be considered one of the calmest for all horoscope signs. Those born in the Year of the Yellow Pig will be especially lucky. And there are few of them, because over the last century there have been only 9 such years: Yellow Pigs were born in 1911, 23 and 35, 47 and 59, as well as in 1971, 83 and 95. In the 21st century, the Boar was born once - in 2007. The Pig will be born again in 2019 (we will also consider its characteristics).

People born under the auspices of the Pig are almost always characterized by others as honest, kind-hearted, nobility and kindness. And these are far from empty words. After all, as you know, Pigs have never been distinguished by aggressive behavior towards others. People born in the above years cannot tolerate false evidence and hypocritical attitudes. When communicating with loved ones, they are as sincere and tactful as possible. Now let's move on to general information about the Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019.

General information about the Year of the Pig

The following can be highlighted: The Year of the Pig completes the cycle of 12 zodiac signs. Therefore, many believe that this year can be considered very “mixed”, because it has absorbed all the factors contained in the previous 11 cycles.

Some sages claim that 2019 will bring together the maximum amount of emotions (in most cases they will be positive).

People who were born in the Year of the Pig are distinguished by a very interesting character trait - they believe in the true kindness of people. Sometimes this faith brings troubles - people take advantage of the Pigs’ trust. , there will also be characteristic features - we will understand them further.

Pigs (including children) have a huge amount of never-ending vitality and energy. They always try to do good and improve the lives of people around them.

But life for representatives of this sign is not so rosy. Typically, periods of constancy are followed by sudden changes in life. Sometimes you even have to start from scratch. This is a difficult fate for representatives of the Pigs.

People are usually always lucky in the year of their zodiac sign. Astrologers especially pay attention to the fact that Pigs should have good luck in their financial situation. Large lottery wins are possible.

A sense of humor will help the Pig overcome problems - this is how 2019 is characterized for representatives of this sign. After all, no one is immune from problems and minor troubles.

Despite their kindness, Pigs do not compromise well - they will insist on their opinion to the last and will be confident in the correctness of their judgments. But if they realize that they were wrong, they will be able to apologize impeccably.

Pig representatives are leisurely in their work, but if they need to do something urgently, they will give it their all and will not feel sorry for themselves.

Boars (Pigs) have inner confidence and power, and have invincible inner willpower. Oddly enough, this is precisely what fascinates others. But many scammers often take advantage of the gullibility and peacefulness of Pigs. They gain confidence in them, and they do not even notice their hidden intentions. Let's give an example. Representatives of Pig trust people in everything. And attackers directly sense such people. Under the guise of harmless help, they can brazenly rob a representative of a given zodiac sign. Or even be drawn into an unpleasant adventure. There were quite a lot of such cases.

In intellectual interests, Yellow Boars are very picky. They are interested in absolutely everything and try to draw from life everything they can. They read diverse literature: detective novels, technical articles and notes from magazines - this is not a complete list of the literary interests of Yellow Boars.

In terms of friends, this sign is very ambiguous - Pigs try to select people close to their liking. And if you can’t find such a friend, then representatives of the wild boars themselves try to re-educate their acquaintances. It turns out that they do this, of course, very rarely. Often their acquaintances simply run away from them over time.

Culturally, representatives of this animal are also very ambiguous: they are interested in painting, beauty, love the classics, but at the same time they will gladly succumb to the mores of heavy music. They are so unusual and characteristic, these Yellow Pigs (Boars).

The material (financial) aspect is of great importance for Pigs. They strive to live in luxury and wealth. But money doesn’t just come into their hands. In order to get them, they have to work like horses.

It is worth noting one important fact: Pisces will have the most luck in Yellow Pig Go according to the Western system. After all, Pisces corresponds astrologically to Pig.

Character Traits of People Born in the Year of the Pig

People born under this sign are distinguished by their decency, friendliness, cheerful disposition, and honesty. They are very economical, creating coziness and comfort in the house. Such people are hospitable, the doors of their home are always open to friends.

True, there is a love for excessive luxury, but with their hard work, the Pigs can afford excess. For the same reason, people born in the year of the Pig try to communicate with those who can improve their material well-being. Well, for our time this is a useful skill.

Those born in the year of the Pig have developed intuition, quickly calculating possible scenarios, predicting situations and making optimal plans, so they always achieve success in their profession. They are leisurely, but they carry out urgent work, giving all their best.

Such people are stubborn, difficult to compromise, insisting on their own, but if they realize their mistake, they will apologize.

It is worth noting the stylishness of the Boars - they know how to look good, follow fashion, standing out favorably in the crowd. They are diversified, trying to take everything from life. They are peculiar in friendship - they try to select people who are close in spirit, and if this does not work out, then they try to re-educate their acquaintances “to suit themselves,” sometimes provoking their escape.

Characteristics of the Metal Pig (Boar). 1911 and 1971

These representatives of the human race are among the cleanest and most honest among all Pigs. A metal pig is always energetic, comprehensively developed and purposeful. Because of her gullibility, she is often upset. But her sense of humor helps her recover from stressful situations. Likes to “get away” at all kinds of parties and clubs. The character of the Pig (Metal) is quite affable and friendly, there are no heavy notes in it, only lightness and fun.

Water Pig and its characteristics. 1923 and 1983.

Those people who were born in the years 23 and 83, according to the Eastern horoscope, belong to the Water Pigs. One can say endlessly a lot of good things about them; they have “hearts of gold” in the literal and figurative sense. They always strive to take into account the opinions and interests of each interlocutor, they are tactful and kind-hearted. They are distinguished by their generosity and try to build relationships with others with a sense of trust.

One of the disadvantages of this sign is their excessive gullibility, because of which they often suffer and become victims of attackers. The effect of “rose-colored glasses” is very inherent in them - they do not distinguish bad from good, black from white, but all this for the time being, then they still take off the “glasses”.

Water Pigs try to lead a calm, quiet family life, do not enter into conflicts and do not initiate them. They are hardworking, have a heightened sense of responsibility, and always succeed in their chosen profession.

Wood (1935 and 1995), Fire (1947, 2007) and Earth (1899, 1959) Pigs: characteristics

Wooden Boars boast friendliness and sociability. They have a lot of friends, but only a few real ones.

This sign always attracts attention to itself, tries to be aware of everything that happens around it. Lifestyle Pigs of this category are very active and never sit still. They love to help others.

Fiery representatives of Pigs are almost always straightforward, subject to the opinions of others. They are not obsessed with money, they will come to the aid of family and friends.

Earth Pigs are generous and kind. However, they are soft-hearted and prone to drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

Compatibility with other signs

People born under this sign are distinguished by their sincerity, honesty, and are easy to establish contact with. They are sensual, affectionate, faithful partners, devoted spouses, aimed at serious relationships. But there are also disadvantages, so not everyone can be their life partner.
According to the Eastern horoscope, the ideal compatibility of the Pig with the Tiger, Goat and Rabbit.

But a marriage with a Snake or Monkey is almost doomed to failure. The remaining combinations can be considered neutral. There will not be complete harmony in them, but if both parties wish, a good union is quite possible.

Love and relationships in 2019

Flirting, a series of novels, new acquaintances will fade into the background, remaining in the Year of the Dog. The calm, reasonable, solid Pig prefers more stable relationships. So married couples can hope for a new round of relationships with more sincere, warm communication and, perhaps, the appearance of children.

And single people have the right to count on new acquaintances, marriage proposals, and stability. The main thing is to open your heart, listen to it, while maintaining a sober mind, making the right, verified decisions. Then your personal life will be perfect!

Career in the year of the pig

Of course, in 2019, it is the “birthday people” who should expect maximum growth; management will appreciate their conscientiousness, hard work, and ability to work tirelessly.

Scorpios, Capricorns, and Taurus should expect success, but Cancers, Aries, and Libra will have to make a lot of effort for career growth.

For Aquarius, Gemini, and Virgo, the stars predict drastic changes in work related to their own decisions. Pisces, Leos, and Sagittarius will have to work hard to successfully combine work and rest.

Health in the year of the Earth Pig

The sign is characterized by being quite good. True, there is a risk that stress accumulated over months will manifest itself as chronic diseases. It is especially worthwhile for older people who are prone to cardiovascular diseases to listen to their bodies.

And the stars advise everyone else to be less nervous, learn to ignore troubles, and find time for quality rest and self-improvement.

What awaits people according to their zodiac signs?

  1. The Pig will be most loyal to the Dog. For those born under this sign, horoscopes predict positive changes in their personal lives and careers, and ease in overcoming obstacles.
  2. The Pig themselves should be more persistent and take the most from life in their home year. But, not forgetting about possible dangers, scammers, enemies, because gullibility can play a cruel joke on Pigs.
  3. Cats (Rabbits) are also advised to be active, showing themselves at work and in their personal lives, this is the only way to achieve success. And this will be helped by well-developed intuition and hard work, which this sign has enough of.
  4. Rats are predicted to play the role of outsiders, the horoscope does not predict success for them, and their goals will be unattainable. But personal life promises to be calm and stable.
  5. Bulls and Snakes can count on career ups and improved financial conditions.
  6. Tigers will be able to become leaders, find a new, more interesting job, or open their own business.
  7. The stars have prepared romantic surprises for the sheep, single people will find their betrothed, married couples will experience a renewal of their relationships.
  8. Horses and Dragons will feel lucky; all their endeavors will be successful.
  9. Monkeys with Roosters will go through a difficult period; on the one hand, they will be given health and love, on the other hand, there may be betrayal on the part of a loved one, even a loved one.

What color and what to wear for 2019

Since the Year of the Yellow Pig is coming, when choosing an outfit, you should start from the yellow-brown palette interspersed with other natural shades.

Clothing should be new, never worn, fashionable, preferably white, gold, pink, yellow, brown. This range has tones that are quite beautiful, suitable for any color of hair, eyes, skin - you just need to look!

The house should be decorated with natural materials. Piggy respects clay, fresh flowers, sprigs of pine needles, bunches of rowan berries and, of course, acorns, just as he would without them! Beautiful dishes, candles, vases with bouquets of fresh flowers will help add solemnity to the interior.

The meeting place does not matter, the main thing is that the people who are closest to you and most important in your life are gathered at the table; it is better to choose original gifts - Pig loves innovations.

What to cook for the holiday table

Boar is a renowned gourmet. He respects different dishes, so he must literally be bursting with food. from chicken, rabbit, beef, diluted with legumes, herbs, slices, fruits, desserts, baked goods - there should be a lot of everything!

For drinks, it is better to choose light wines, champagne, cocktails, liqueurs, so that by the end of the holiday you do not turn into the mistress of the year.

The coming year prophesies changes, for some for the better, for others troubles. But if you know in advance what awaits us, you can make the most of the benefits of these 12 months under the sign of the Pig. Happy New Year celebration, fulfillment of all your wishes and success!

Boar. Pig- the last sign of the eastern calendar. Boar (Pig) – sociable, reliable, unhurried, compassionate, trusting.

Years of birth of the Boar, Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019) according to the eastern horoscope calendar:
02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960 (element earth, color yellow)
01/27/1971 - 02/14/1972 (element metal, color white)
02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984 (element water, color black)
01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996 (element wood, color blue)
02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008 (element fire, color red)
02/05/2019 - 01/24/2020 (element earth, color yellow)

The Pig has a knightly character. She is gallant, helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can calmly trust her - she will never betray you or deceive you. But it is not difficult to deceive the Pig herself - she is so naive and gullible. She seems defenseless, but in reality she is not that weak.
The Pig has few friends, but she keeps them throughout her life and is capable of great sacrifices for them. She is very attentive to those she loves. Women of this sign love to give gifts and organize small holidays. They are excellent housewives.
If the Pig sympathizes with someone, he will always make concessions, will not object or argue, even if he is sure that he is right. She does not like litigation because she knows that due to her honesty and impulsiveness, she will lose to someone who is less scrupulous.
A pig can choose any profession, as he will prove himself to be a conscientious and hardworking worker everywhere. Thanks to his sensitivity, he can achieve success in some forms of art, such as poetry and literature.
As for the material side, the Pig will always be provided with what it needs for a living wage. She will have a job and money, and for this she will not have to expend much effort. In addition, throughout her life she will receive assistance, thanks to which she will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Popular wisdom says: “Food is always delivered to a pig with a second thought, so that it becomes fat and can be eaten on New Year’s holidays.” This is why the Pig needs to be careful and not trust anyone - they can take advantage of her at any moment.
The same situation arises in the Pig in his personal life. She will often be loved, but no less often she will be fooled. She faces many experiences and disappointments. The Pig woman will be a good mother.
The Pig calmly accepts his failures, and the shortcomings of others with great patience. The Pig is a good player, but at the same time he is impartial and never shows a competitive spirit. She always wants to be sure that she is right and is ready to endlessly ask herself questions about how honestly and loyally she acts in a given case.
The pig is unusually sincere - to such an extent that it is capable of disarming its opponents. Lies only in extreme cases and only for self-defense. True, she does this very ineptly: there is not a penny of cunning in her. The pig is helpless against hypocrisy and does not know how to justify itself. She always believes what she is told, while she always tries to provide evidence for her statements.
The pig is very cheerful in society, and often even a little dissolute. At first it is difficult for her to decide to speak, but when this happens, it is difficult to stop her - she will not remain silent until she has exhausted the topic. Like the Monkey, the Pig is drawn to knowledge. Reads a lot, but indiscriminately. She looks like a knowledgeable person, but in reality this is not entirely true. If you check her knowledge, you will notice that it is not as significant as it seems.
The pig is prone to epicureanism, but under its complacent appearance it hides will and even authority. She performs any task with all the strength she is capable of. This inner strength is so great that no one can resist it. Before making any decision, the Pig weighs the pros and cons for a long time - so long that it may seem as if she is not too decisive. But once the Pig makes a decision, nothing can stop him. And she hesitates simply to avoid complications.
The first phase of the Pig's life is relatively calm. But in the second, problems may arise in married life. Moreover, no one will guess about her experiences. The pig is so modest and timid that it never resorts to outside help, but looks for a way out of any situation. The last stage of her life can be called happy and comfortable. But in many ways, the fate of the Pig depends on this circumstance: if she was born long before the Chinese New Year, she will avoid trouble, but the closer her birth date is to the holiday, the greater her chances of being “eaten.”

Boar, Pig and zodiac sign.

Aries: A pig's head, but a heart of gold.
Taurus Charming pig.
Gemini: Crazy Pig, will go far if the piglets are not eaten.
Cancer: Pig in gingerbread. Let him be careful not to eat her.
Leo: Higher Pig. The pork is clean.
Virgo: The Pig is a piggy bank and will never lose its bearings.
Libra: Double Pig, large reserves for a rainy day, will roll around like cheese in butter.
Scorpio: Harsh Pig.
Sagittarius: Logical Pig.
Capricorn: Too strict for a Pig.
Aquarius: Balanced Pig, will achieve success.
Pisces: Pig - perfection, a real Pig.

Zodiac sign Pig, Pig, birth years of men and women: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031.

Water Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/16/1923 - 02/02/1924; from 02/13/1983 - 02/02/1984;
Wooden Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/04/1935 - 01/24/1936; from 01/31/1995 - 02/19/1996;
Fire Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/22/1947 - 02/10/1948; from 02/18/2007 - 02/07/2008;
Earth Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1959 - 01/28/1960; from 02/05/2019 -
Metal Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1971 - 02/15/1972;

Metal Pig, year of birth: 1911, 1971, 2031.

What distinguishes Metal Pigs from other brothers is their most pronounced ambition. These are purposeful, open, energetic people who are engaged in a variety of spheres of human activity. They hold certain views and are principled, but they tend to take many things at face value and show excessive gullibility. Boars of this type of sign are endowed with an excellent sense of humor and love all kinds of entertaining activities. Possessing an affable, friendly character, they gain a large number of fans and friends.
The only thing that the Metal Pig could use some work on is excessive gullibility.

Water Pig, year of birth: 1923, 1983, 2043.

It can be said without exaggeration about representatives of this type of sign that these are people with a heart of gold. Their generosity knows no bounds; Water Pigs strive to have and maintain friendly, even relationships with everyone around them. They are gullible, which periodically makes them suffer due to someone's bad intentions.
People born in these years prefer to live modestly and very quietly. Nevertheless, they also really like being in society; Often, Pigs of this type become the life of the party. These people have very broad interests and for the most part work very successfully in their chosen professional field. This is helped by the presence of hard work and a developed sense of duty.
To improve their life, the Water Pig should learn to distinguish between white and black, pay more attention to their own interests, and show more firmness.

Wooden Boar, year of birth: 1935, 1995, 2055.

Wooden Boars are quite friendly; their speeches are very convincing. They make new friends and like-minded people with extraordinary ease. They like to have complete information about what is happening. It happens that people born in these years take on too much, shouldering an unbearable burden.
These people, devoted to their loved ones, gladly help those in need of their support. They themselves are endowed with a sense of humor, optimism, and most of them lead an active lifestyle.
To improve the quality of their own lives, Wooden Pigs must learn to periodically say the word “no,” since goodwill and reliability often cause damage to their interests.

Fire Pig, year of birth: 1947, 2007, 2067.

Fire Pigs are energetic, enterprising people who are straightforward in their statements. They take a thorough approach to everything and can take risky steps for the sake of the goal. At the same time, they can, obeying momentary hobbies, easily and quickly be distracted from the main thing and lose all interest in their work. People of this type of sign are very attentive, caring, generous towards their loved ones, and are lucky in matters related to money.
It would be good if the Fire Pigs, who tend to take on any task without hesitation, showed more caution.

Earth Pig, year of birth: 1959, 2019.

People born in these years have pronounced organizational skills, are knowledgeable in business, and know how to handle money well. They are usually social activists and have a kind, generous soul.
Earth Pigs should keep in mind that they are prone to alcohol abuse, so you must always control yourself.