Задание B1. Раздел "Аудирование"

ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сложный экзамен? Я бы ответил однозначно – сложный! Но, для целеустремленных учеников сдать его , набрав хорошие баллы, вполне реальная задача , каков бы не был уровень владения языком. Если у вас есть время и желание хорошо подготовиться к ЕГЭ или, что не менее важно, хорошо подготовить к ЕГЭ эти страницы для вас. Оговорюсь сразу, что вы не найдете здесь уникальной стратегии или методики подготовки. Самая лучшая стратегия всегда одна – труд. Зато найдете подробные инструкции по выполнению заданий с примерами, которые помогут вам готовиться системно и эффективно.

Итак, какова наша задача? Мы должны выполнить 15 заданий из раздела: «Аудирование», 9 заданий из раздела «Чтение», 20 заданий из раздела «Лексика и грамматика» и два задания из раздела «Письмо». На все про все у нас 180 минут. Что ж, приступим к раскладыванию по полочкам каждого раздела экзамена.

Раздел 1. «Аудирование»

Максимальное количество баллов, которые можно набрать – 20.

Задание В1. Понимание основного содержания текста.

Максимум 6 баллов.

Текст будет звучать дважды.

Суть задания : нужно установить соответствие между краткими утверждениями и текстами, предложенным для прослушивания. Утверждения обозначены цифрами 1-7. Высказывания говорящих буквами A-F. Одно утверждение лишнее.

Советы по эффективному выполнению задания.

До того, как текст прозвучит впервые дана пауза для ознакомления с заданиями. Мы делаем следующее:

  1. Читаем утверждения и пытаемся определить что их объединяет. (тема, проблема, ключевое слово)
  2. Пытаемся определить чем они отличаются друг от друга. (проблемой, отношением к проблеме и т. д.)
  3. В процессе ознакомления с утверждениями подчеркиваем в них ключевые слова, делаем иные пометки, помогающие понять их смысл и различия.
  4. Глядя на утверждения, пытаемся предвосхитить содержание текста, подходящего к каждому из них по смыслу, а также, те ключевые слова на которых, как нам кажется, должно строиться высказывание, относящееся к данному утверждению.

Итак, тексты зазвучали в первый раз. Во время первого прослушивания мы сосредоточимся на том, что нам необходимо:

  1. По мере прослушивания каждого текста отмечать все возможные варианты ответа.
  2. Делать нужные исправления в ответах по мере прослушивания остальных текстов, метод исключения же никто не отменял, и некоторые первоначальные варианты ответов вполне могут отпасть по мере дальнейшего прослушивания высказываний.

Тексты звучат второй раз. В это время нам нужно:

  1. Обратить особое внимание на высказывания, для которых изначально было выбрано несколько вариантов ответа
  2. Слушая текст, стараться выписывать ключевые слова, которые помогут обосновать выбор того или иного соответствия.

После того, как мы прослушали тексты дважды нам остается:

  1. Записать окончательные ответы в таблицу, которая дана после задания.
  2. Еще раз проверить точность записи ответов и перенести их в бланк.

Помните, что задания по аудированию нужно выполнять сразу же, не оставляя их невыполненными, так как, даже если у вас и будет время вернуться к их выполнению, вряд ли вы сможете вспомнить высказывания, которые прозвучали для вас час или полтора назад.

Иллюстрация применения алгоритма действий на примере.

Пример задания:

Аудиозапись к заданию: {mp3}b1{/mp3}

До прослушивания текста:

  1. Тема, которая объединяет утверждения – подарки.
  2. Утверждения отличаются друг от друга отношением к различным видам подарков.
  3. Ключевые слова: 1) perfume, not a good present, reasons 2) present, create, memories 3) practical presents 4) present, good for everybody 5) perfume, the best present 6) present, a good way out, not always perfect 7) choosing a present, think, person’s lifestyle
  4. 1) скорее всего речь пойдет о причинах, по которым духи не могут быть хорошим подарком, ключевые слова на которых будет строиться высказывание: perfume, bad, not very good, awful, scent. 2) наверное, речь пойдет о каком-то совместном действии в качестве подарка, чтобы об этом остались воспоминания, ключевые слова: do together, memory, share, past 3) речь пойдет о практичных подарках, подарках для дома или хозяйства, ключевые слова: home, domestic, pragmatic,gifts 4) вероятно речь пойдет о подарке или подарках, которые подойдут любому человеку, ключевые слова any person(man), all, everybody 5) речь, видимо, пойдет о причинах, по которым духи являются наилучшим подарком по мнению говорящего, ключевые слова: excellent gift, best present, perfume 6) речь, скорее всего, пойдет о способе легко решить проблему с выбором подарка, ключевые слова: way out, easy to buy, choice 7) видимо говорящий будет убеждать, что при выборе подарка необходимо учитывать то, какой образ жизни ведет получатель этого подарка, ключевые слова: lifestyle, way of life, choose a gift

Во время первого прослушивания:

Отмечаем все возможные варианты: A) 6, 4 B) 3 C) 1,5 D) 6,4 E) 2 F) 7.

Во время второго прослушивания:

Обращаем особое внимание на высказывания, для которых мы выбрали несколько вариантов ответа и выбираем окончательный вариант: A) 4 B) 3 C) 1 D) 6 E) 2 F) 7.

После второго прослушивания переносим наши ответы в таблицу после задания, вот и все. Остается только перенести наши ответы в бланк ответов.

Используемая литература:

  1. ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Тематические тестовые задания. Россия и мир / Е. Н. Соловова, John Parsons. - М. : Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой, 2011.
  2. ЕГЭ - 2012. Английский язык: типовые экзаменационные варианты: 10 вариантов / под редакцией М. В. Вербицкой. - М. : Национальное образование, 2011.

Предлагаем попробовать свои силы и выполнить полное аудирование в формате ЕГЭ. Ответы и полные тексты к аудио даны в спойлерах. Здесь представлен вариант 1.

Задание 1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Play Задание 1

1. It is necessary to take care of your pet’s health if it has problems.
2. Having two pets can be more enjoyable than having one.
3. Giving an unwanted pet a home is an opportunity to do something kind.
4. Each and every pet has an interesting and unique personality.
5. Choosing the right pet is a very important decision.
6. A pet often loves its owner and can be like a best friend.
7. Pets need something to play with, just like people do.

A – 5
B – 4
C – 2
D – 1
E – 7
F – 3

Speaker A : We’ve had our dog, Fido, for two years now. My parents asked me which animal I’d like, and I said a dog. A dog was a good choice for us because we’ve got a big house and a fenced-in garden where he can play, and we all take turns walking him. Dogs need space and exercise. People who’ve got a small flat and not a lot of free time to spend with their pet should probably get a fish instead!

Speaker B : Our cats, Leo, Tabs and Boo, certainly keep us entertained round the house. They love to play and sleep and they certainly perk up at mealtimes. But they have their own characters. Leo is super friendly and loves to sit on your lap. Tabs always runs away when you try to pick her up. And Boo is unpredictable – sometimes he loves you, and sometimes he doesn’t! I guess they’re like people in a way – no two are alike!

Speaker С : I love having an aquarium. I’ve got two fish in it now. They don’t really have personalities, you know, although they get excited when I toss flakes of food in their tank. I started off with just one fish, then after six months, I decided it would be fun to get a second one, and they seem very happy together. They’re easy to look after – just give them some food and watch them swim!

Speaker D : We’ve got a really cool parrot named Polly. Polly’s a great character, and she talks! What better pet could you have, right? Sadly, though, Polly wasn’t feeling well a few weeks ago. She stopped eating and wasn’t talking so much. Everyone who owns a pet must look after it, so we had to take her to a vet, who prescribed some medicine. She’s much improved now and back to her usual chatty self!

Speaker E : Our local pet shop has got lots of different pets – rabbits and hamsters, birds and fish. I’m always tempted to buy another pet, but I know I mustn’t! But every time I go there, I pick up something for my dog, Gus. He loves having a new toy to chew on or chase round the house. I think about myself, you know. I love video games, but I can’t play the same one over and over again!

Speaker F : When we were thinking of getting a pet, we had to consider where we would get one. The pet shop near my house has lots to choose from. But I get so sad when I think about all those animals that are out on the streets. So my parents and I decided that we would visit the city shelter and rescue a pet from there. And that’s how we got our dog Chester, who’s more than happy to live with us!

Задание 2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

Play Задание 2

A) Vicky is not interested in seeing Jasons costume for the party.
В) Vicky wants to spend a lot of money on a costume.
С) Jason first suggests that Vicky should dress up as a famous person.
D) Vicky knows what all of her friends are wearing to the party.
E) Jason suggests that Vicky wears normal clothes as part of her outfit.
F) Vicky’s mum will help Vicky make her outfit.
G) Vicky doesn’t want to start putting her outfit together straight away.

A – 2
B – 2
C – 1
D – 3
E – 1
F – 3
G – 1

Jason : Vicky, are you going to Helens fancy dress party on Saturday? You have to come, if only to see my outfit. I’m going as a gorilla rugby player!

Vicky : That’ll be hilarious, Jason! I wasn’t sure if I was going to come, but I think you’ve helped me make up my mind. But I don’t know what to wear. I was thinking maybe a princess, but that seems a bit boring.

Jason : No, that sounds great. If you came as a princess, you would wear loads of jewellery and a huge crown, right?

Vicky : Hmm, I’m not keen on that idea, really. Where would I get all those things? I don’t want to spend a thousand pounds on an outfit.

Jason : That’s a good point. Well, what about a celebrity? Maybe you could come as Lady Gaga. That should be easy to do, shouldn’t it? Just copy one of her looks.

Vicky : No, I can’t do that. Lisa’s already going as Gaga. Besides, I think I’m way too tall to be her. She’d only come up to my chin if she were standing in front of me!

Jason : What about a mermaid? You know, dress up like a fish! I think you’d look really good in that kind of outfit, and it can’t be that expensive, can it?

Vicky : That sounds interesting, but how would I get round the party without falling over? It would be quite difficult to walk!

Jason : Hmm, maybe you could wear a long green skirt and ask your mum to sew a fish tail on the bottom.

Vicky : How creative! I’ve also got a funky green blouse and I can put some fake seashells all over it. I think we’re getting somewhere with this idea! Of course, I’ve got an exam in three days, so I can’t spend all my time making a mermaid costume.

Jason : Hopefully it won’t take too long to make.
The party’s this weekend and today’s Monday. That’s plenty of time, don’t you think?

Vicky : Well, my exams in maths, which I’m terrible at. I think I’ll have to wait until it’s over before I can do this costume. But at least I’ve got the idea.

Jason : Well, good luck in your exam, and with the costume!

Vicky : Thanks. See you at the party Jason!

Задание 3

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях выберите правильный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Play Задание 3

1. The tour company that John works for provides …
1) large-scale tourism.
2) environmental education.
3) food and drink tours.

2. While at university, John studied …
1) biology.
2) forest conservation.
3) zoo management.

3. What must travellers do before they go on a trip?
1) Participate in a short course on environmental protection.
2) Sign forms promising not to damage the environment.
3) Donate money to an environmental protection programme.

4. John believes that most people …
1) know a great deal about rainforests.
2) want to travel to rainforests.
3) are unaware of the importance of rainforests.

5. How does John describe the fight to protect rainforests in Brazil?
1) The government is losing the fight.
2) Despite some good news, the struggle is ongoing.
3) It is going extremely well.

6. What does John say about the native peoples?
1) It is very rare that they get to meet with them.
2) All native people are willing to engage with the tour.
3) Cultural understanding is gained from some of them.

7. In the future, John hopes his company w ill…
1) begin tours in new regions.
2) expand tours in existing regions.
3) focus more on South-East Asia.

1 – 2
2 – 3
3 – 1
4 – 3
5 – 2
6 – 3
7 – 1

Presenter : Hi everyone and welcome to our programme, Awesome Job! Today we have John Stone with us to talk about his work in ecotourism. John, welcome to the show.

Speaker : Thanks for having me.

Presenter : Tell us some things about your job and what your company does.

Speaker : I work as a tour guide for a company called Go Green Tourism. We specialise in tours to unique habitats with rich biodiversity. We organise very small tours, for maybe 20 people or less, so that the environment remains protected, and our destinations are mainly tropical regions in South America and most recently South-East Asia. We travel to our destination and stay at a local village near the habitat, which is where we eat and sleep. Then we go on a guided walking tour of a rainforest and we educate our travelling companions about the different flora and fauna of the area.

Presenter : So you have to be well-trained in plant and animal sciences to give one of these tours, yes?

Speaker : That’s right. Typically the tour guides have a degree in biology or botany, or a master’s in forest conservation, something like that. My specific educational background is in zoo management, but I saw an advert for this job and decided I wanted to give it a try. I’ve learned a great deal more about the natural environment through this work, which I’m happy about.

Presenter : Is ecotourism safe for the environment, in your opinion?

Speaker : We do our very best to ensure that any place we visit is left virtually untouched. Our ecotravellers must attend a seminar before we embark on our journey in order to learn the dos and don’ts of the trip. People who sign up for these tours are quite conscious of the environment to begin with.

Presenter : Does your company participate in environment protection programmes?

Speaker : I’m glad you asked that, because yes, we do. Part of our profits go to awareness programmes aimed at educating people about the rainforests and their value as a resource. Most people don’t realise that without rainforests, we wouldn’t be able to survive.

Presenter : There is also the problem of rainforests being cut down, isn’t there?

Speaker : Yes, we also provide funds for organisations that fight illegal logging and land clearing in Brazil. These organisations work with the Brazilian government and although it’s a continuous battle, they have made progress in recent years in protecting land.

Presenter : That’s good to know. What sorts of things do people get to see in the rainforests, besides plants and animals of course?

Speaker : Oh, many things. We visit dazzling waterfalls, and pristine lakes and rivers. We also visit the native peoples who live in or near the rainforests – the ones who are welcoming to visitors anyway! So there is also a cultural exchange that takes place between the ecotravellers and the locals. I’ve even picked up a few words of the locals’ languages, which is really cool. Of course, I’m a long way off being fluent!

Presenter : And do you just visit rainforests?

Speaker : Well, the company is only about eight years old, so the focus has been rainforest regions mainly in Brazil, but as I said before, we do visit South-East Asia, which we started doing a couple of years ago. But I’m excited to say that we are planning to expand our operations to regions in Africa, such as the Serengeti and Madagascar. Business has been booming for ecotourism, so hopefully that trend will continue, for us and for other environmentally-conscious organisations…

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. One product - many dishes

2. Simple to prepare

3. Once local - now global

4. Good for everyone

5. More than food

6. Impossible to grow

7. Synonymous to food

8. Differrent table manners

A. Over the centuries, rice has become a part of the traditions of many cultures. In some societies, it is traditional to throw a handful of rice on newlywed couples, symbolizing the wish for a large family and prosperity. In India, rice is traditionally the first food that bride offers her new husband. It is typical for people to leave offerings of rice in Buddhist temples. In Thailand, the annual Royal Plowing Ceremony has taken place in front of the Grand Palace in Bangkok for seven centuries.

B. The basic recipe for cooking rice is easy. First you need to bring 2 cups of water to boil. When the water is boiling, add 1 cup of rice. Cover the pot. As soon as the water boils again, reduce the heat. Let the rice cook for 15 to 20 minutes. The rice is ready when all the water is absorbed. It’s now possible to buy rice cooking machines that cook perfect rice every time, especially in large quantities. This is particularly helpful in Asian cultures, where families often eat rice with every meal. In these countries, rice is also used to make pancakes, sweets and wine - indeed almost anything!

C. Rice is the primary source of nutrition for more than half of the world’s population. Countries as different as Japan, India, Nigeria and Mexico use rice in their national cuisine. In Chinese, the word for rice is the same as the word for food. And in Thailand, when you call your family to a meal, you say “eat rice.” So it’s easy to understand why the 2008 global rice shortage was a real crisis for billions of people. In some countries the shortage led to big price increases. Some governments had to control the sale of rice.

D. Many people consider rice to be one of the healthiest of possible food choices. It has no sodium or cholesterol, and almost no fat. One half cup of rice has approximately 100 calories, and those calories are rich in important vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, iron and zinc. Many athletes eat rice because as a carbohydrate it is a great source of energy. Rice even has certain chemicals in it that are supposed to improve your mood. Brown rice is the healthiest of all because it is 100% grain.

E. Archeologists believe that rice has been grown as a source of food for at least 4000 years. It was first grown in China, and then introduced to India. Over the centuries the practice of growing rice has spread literally across the globe. Today rice is grown in Peru, Egypt, and even the United States, but over 90% of the world’s rice is still grown in Asian countries. Rice is best grown in wet, sub-tropical climates, and in many countries it is still cultivated using intensive human and animal labor. For this reason, large families are still typical, and the water buffalo is a valued possession.

F. One of the amazing things about rice is how adaptable it is. It is an essential ingredient in cuisines all around the world - cuisines as different as Japanese, Mexican, and West African. The Japanese combine sticky rice with raw fish to create numerous varieties of sushi. Mexican rice, flavored with cumin and tomatoes, is a colorful side dish. Every country in West Africa has its own version of a regional rice dish called jollof, often served with fried plantain, a kind of banana.

G. All around the world people eat rice in different ways. In India it is traditional to eat rice with your right hand. You just mix the rice with a little curry, roll it into a ball, and pop it into your mouth. In China it’s common to use chopsticks (or kuaizi). People in Korea, Thailand and Vietnam eat their rice with a spoon. And in European countries and in the United States rice is eaten with a fork.

Дорогие читатели!

Предлагаю выполнить вам тренировочный вариант № 1 из раздела Аудирование ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Этот вариант сформирован из заданий предыдущих лет, разработанных специалистами ФИПИ под руководством руководителя Федеральной предметной комиссии разработчиков ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам, доктора филологических наук, профессора МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова М.В. Вербицкой.

Раздел 1 («Аудирование») содержит 9 заданий.

Прослушайте аудиофайл и выполните задания 1 — 9.

Аудиозапись: Adobe Flash Player (версия 9 или выше) требуется для воспроизведения этой аудиозаписи. Скачать последнюю версию . К тому же, в Вашем браузере должен быть включен JavaScript.

Задание 1

(базовый уровень сложности; краткие высказывания информационно-прагматического характера)

Проверяемые умения и навыки: понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста

Максимальное количество баллов: 6 баллов

В данном задании Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A - F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1 - 7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

  1. Perfume can’t be a good present for many reasons.
  2. Best presents are presents that create shared memories
  3. Practical presents are not good presents.
  4. This sort of present can be good for everybody.
  5. Good perfume is the best present that is always easy to get.
  6. This present is a good way out , but not always perfect.
  7. Think of a person’s lifestyle while choosing a present.
Говорящий A B C D E F

Задание 2

(повышенный уровень сложности; беседа или высказывание в стандартных ситуациях повседневного общения)

Проверяемые умения и навыки: понимание в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемой информации

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True ), какие не соответствуют (2 – False ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated ). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

  1. Peter seldom goes to the library .
  2. Peter is satisfied with his term studies.
  3. Peter hopes to do as well in the course as his classmates .
  4. Peter prefers to work at his computer at home .
  5. Jane does not expect Peter to pass his language exam.
  6. Jane has always been the best student in the group.
  7. Jane has some problems with one of her subjects.

Задание 3 – 9

(высокий уровень сложности; интервью, развернутое тематическое высказывание, репортаж)

Проверяемые умения и навыки: полное понимание прослушанного текста

Максимальное количество баллов: 7 баллов

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1 , 2 или 3 , соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 What, according to Michael, is the biggest plus of Vintage Inns?

  1. Picturesque locations.
  2. Nostalgic landlords and landladies.
  3. Tourists from all over the world.


4 What point does Michael Mitchell make about Vintage Inns’ gardens?

  1. They are perfect for any season.
  2. All Vintage Inns must have them.
  3. They are an alternative to dine in good weather.


5 Why does not Michael Mitchell do anything to advertise his inns?

  1. They are close to local places of interest.
  2. They are not far from city centers.
  3. They are situated around London.


6 What is typical of all the Vintage Inns?

  1. Traditional old style.
  2. Victorian design.
  3. Good food and atmosphere.


7 According to Michael Mitchell, Vintage Inns’ menus

  1. preserve traditional style in cooking.
  2. modernize traditional dishes.
  3. offer mainly international food.


8 When is the menu likely to be more varied?

  1. Saturdays.
  2. Weekdays.
  3. Sundays.


9 What is the booking policy of Vintage Inns?

  1. It is not an accepted practice there.
  2. You need to book well in advance.
  3. Booking is possible only on Fridays.


По окончании выполнения заданий 1–9 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запятых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Key answers:

Задание 1 431627

Задание 2 1223231

Задание В1. Базовый уровень. Пониманиие основного содержания.

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между

высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными

в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное

соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее

утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. The art exhibition is worth visiting.

2. Those who love ballet will definitely enjoy it.

3. This book fair is a really popular place.

4. The concert didn’t appeal to the speaker.

5. This rock group’s new DVD is popular with teenagers.

6. Despite some drawbacks the opera was enjoyable.

7. The play really took my breath away.

Прослушать текст можно здесь:

Speaker A

Woman: I would definitely recommend it - you find things on every topic under the sun

there, from ancient Greek sculpture to the Japanese art of bonsai. But if you"re planning to

go, don"t leave it too late in the day. I went in the afternoon and it was really crowded,

especially round some of the more popular stands.

Speaker B

Man: They kept the curtain open during all the scene changes, which rather spoiled the

illusion for me. And they did it in modern dress, which I found a bit strange,

especially since it"s supposed to be set in ancient Egypt. But apart from those things,

I really enjoyed it. The female lead was superb; she had a wonderful voice of course,

but she was a good actress too , which isn"t always the case.

Speaker C

Woman: I only went because David persuaded me into it - he"s a big fan - but it wasn"t

really my cup of tea. Of course, they were fantastically fit and did the most amazing

leaps and twirls, and it was all quite pretty to look at. The music was nice too, bit I

did get a bit bored. In fact, I have to admit I fell asleep for a while in the second

Speaker D

Man: The Swinton retrospective at the Tate has really been pulling the crowds , so

get there early if you want to avoid queuing to get in. The irony of this popularity

would not have been lost on Swinton himself - he struggled for thirty years to

make a living from his work and it was only in the last decade of his life that his

cartoon-like images of daily life caught the public"s imagination.

Speaker E

Woman: Of course, it"s always harder to bring something fresh to the classics -

everyone"s got their own preconceived ideas about the right way it should be done.

But I must say, this production was absolutely fantastic. I was completely

spellbound from the moment the curtain rose and the final speech at the end of act

three brought tears to my eyes.

Speaker F

Woman The performance was certainly slick and the guitarist"s fingers as nimble as

ever, but I have to admit that I found the spectacle of a group of men in their fifties

pumping out songs of teenage rebellion more than a little ridiculous. This did not

seem to bother the audience, however, who had turned up in thousands to see the

heroes of their youth. Predictably, it was the old hits that went down best, while

songs from the new album met with a lukewarm response.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


amazing leaps and twirls – удивительные прыжки и повороты

queue – очередь

preconceived ideas - предвзятые идеи

slick - гладкий, блестящий

as nimble as ever – такие же шустрые, как всегда
