Penalty for tinting not according to GOST or deprivation of rights? Production of duplicates of the state numbers Raising a fine for tinting in.

In order to highlight your car from the mass of other vehicles, as well as to give your four-wheeled friend, styles and glosk, some motorists resort to tinting side glasses. However, this type of car decor can lead to trouble with the police road service, because according to the law, the turning of the front windows is prohibited and shall be punished with a fine. More this issue will be discussed hereinafter.

Fine for tinting from January 1, 2018 how much?

For about a year, there are rumors among motorists that, from January 1, 2018, the size of the fine for tinting will be increased several times and will be as much as 5 thousand rubles. The reason for such concerns was the statement of a government official Vyacheslav Lysakova, who introduced a proposal to the State Duma about tightening fines for this offense. However, his amendments were not still considered even in the first reading. Therefore, the size of the fine for darkened windows of the car in 2017 remained the same - 500 rubles.

Repeated penalty for toning how much?

For motorists, road traffic rules are installed on this type of offenses - the driver can stop and fined for darkened windows of cars only up to 12 times. But further it is waiting for more radical measures, up to criminal responsibility and deprivation of driver's license. At the expense of the second punishment, officials from the State Duma were even finally determined and the corresponding law was still never adopted.

Punishment for tinting the front windows in 2018

Naturally, many drivers who want to apply tinting are interested in the question, what percentage of darkening of glasses allows the law?

In 2015, the new GOST 32565-2013 entered into force, according to which the permissible percentage of glass tinting is installed in this:

  • for the front winding windows of a passenger car - no higher than 25% dimming, that is, the percentage of light transmission should be at the level of 75%;
  • for side front windows - permissible 30% percent dimming;
  • dimming the door rear windows can be one hundred percent.

Toning front side windows fine or not?

If the driver ignored the permissible standards, then he will have to be ready to pay a fine of 500 rubles each time the traffic police inspector is delayed. And in the event that in 2018 it will be adopted, tightening punishment, the bill, then the car owner will have to fork out for 5,000 rubles. If someone from lovers of darkened windows in a car thinks that he can avoid penalties, he is mistaken. The law regarding this offense is quite adamant and the penalty will still have to pay. Otherwise, the driver risks to lose his certificate for the right to control the vehicle for half a year.

Headlight tint is allowed in the Russian Federation?

As for donating headlights, the legislation of the Russian Federation on this issue has a sufficiently severe definition - whatever the dimming heads are categorically prohibited. In violation of this driver's rule, it can not only finish, but also to select the rights for the period from six months to a year (paragraph 3 of Article No. 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Also, this car owner is confiscated all its darkened devices.

With regard to the amount of penalties, it is established for this offense in such limits:

  • for physical entities - 3 thousand rubles;
  • for persons in performance - from 15 to 20 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 400 to 500 thousand rubles.

Grid on car windows instead of tinting

Some especially inventive car owners went even further - instead of tinting, they began to apply a special grid on magnets. This is a removable design that can be easily removed and installed. However, installing such curtains on the windows, the drivers should know that in accordance with part 1 of article 19 of the Federal Law, this adaptation is strictly prohibited on the windshield. On the side front windows, a grid corresponding to the established GOST with the lighting of at least 75 percent is allowed.

How to avoid a fine for toning

One of the most contiguous issues of the next year for any motorist is the tinting of the brass in the car. For the most part, you are interested in whether it is necessary to carry out this procedure in 2017, or you can leave the usual beauty of the vehicle in its original form.

It is worth starting from the fact that the marked process for a long time is the cause of numerous disputes and debates. Already, it is already possible to say with confidence that the officials decided to re-promote the law regarding the increase in the cost of penalties in the event of illegal tinting of brakes on cars. Since 2017, a penalty for a similar offense will be equal to 5 thousand rubles. According to experts, such a decision should be the replacement of a paragraph related to the deprivation of driver's license in the event of a repeated offense.

2017 Law: Basic Principles

Since there is more than relevant for all car owners, it is considered more than relevant, it is necessary to disassemble more in more detail, what exactly is the toning in 2017, and what a fine for toned glass is appointed by law . According to the current law of the Russian Federation, any car owner needs to take measures to comply with its vehicle with the standards of lighting automotive braids. Otherwise, any of the violators will have to get a penalty of 500 rubles. So it was before. Now the legislative act of this issue may change a little in 2017.

  1. Very soon the size of the fine will increase in two or even three times. As a result, now its value will be the minimum of 1.5 thousand rubles. Agree that such a fine cannot be called small.
  2. The limit of violations of the requirements for the tinting of stalk. Of course, not all such a law in the shower. Some drivers prefer not to disturb the holistic harmonious type of their car and do not remove tinting from the glass, located there from the factory. In addition, with a slightly darkened car lounge look more than 6 fashionable and independently. Honestly, it's easier to pay a fine and leave everything as it is. Now this opportunity will cease to be multiple. In case of violation of the law regarding brake tinting, penalties will be applied no more than 12 times. After that, the marked criminal liability becomes more rigid: the size of the fine increases to 5 thousand rubles. If the driver refuses to pay a fine, it can legally deprive the driver's license after 3 months.
  3. If the driver was repeatedly attracted to the question marked and continues to refuse to pay the full amount of the fine, he is deprived of the driver's license.

It is these changes that should be expected in a new bill, which is already split society for two warrant camps. Someone supports such a government initiative, whereas for some decisions about raising a fine is considered invalid.

Opinion of the people

Until today, most of the drivers more or less calmly relate to a variety of innovations, agreeing with any government solutions, considering them right and acceptable. According to the public, all solutions of officials guaranteed safety on the roadway. Nevertheless, this time there was a certain group of people who had a marked decision turned out to be too absurd. Now they are actively collecting signatures against legalizing the prepared project and at the same time most of them are very optimistic.

By the way, each good motorist knows that he has the opportunity to use a tint on the windows of its vehicle under certain conditions.

  1. The front and side panels must provide at least 70% of light source.
  2. For wind windows, this indicator is equal to no more than 75%.

For activists, such data seems too high. In their opinion, for any normal car, both indicators should be 40 and 60%, respectively. At the same time, all those people who oppose the introduction into legal force of this law insist that the tinting is considered not only aesthetically beautiful and fashionable part of the personal vehicle, but also performs a number of very important functions.

  1. Provides better preservation of some products and things located in the car. It should not deny the fact that most often the fraudsters rob those cars through the glass of which you can see the detailed contents of the cabin. If there were a sufficient level of tint on the panels, this situation was avoided. As a result, it turns out that all those who will meet the future law of 2017 may be under the sight of automotive thieves.
  2. Significantly reduced the volume of consumable fuel. It turns out that the whole thing is in such a program as climate control. It is from the functioning of this automotive addition to summer weather depends a normal temperature in the cabin. When the weather is very hot and sunny, and the tinting on the windows is practically absent, the air in the car begins to heat up to unbearable. It requires much more than gasoline, which is considered a major source of climate control. If there is a special dimming, the fuel consumption would be significantly lower.

The main objectives and objectives of the 2017 Law

For many Russian citizens, Russia is not fully understood, why it is generally necessary to contribute to the legislative act announced amendments. After all, if someone likes to ride with a darkened interior, then why it is impossible to do this. The same, who does not like blackmakes, simply will not use it and that's it. But the deputies came from somewhere just terrifying statistical data, on the basis of which cars with toned stalks led to a much larger number of accidents, rather than versions of transport with transparent panels.

As a result, officials suggested that many drivers do not want to lose tintings due to the insignificant amount of the fine. Now, after raising it to 5 thousand rubles. Many will have to think before the next offense. It is worth noting that in 2016 the tinting of cars ignored more than 50 thousand people. Do you know where the most malicious offenders live? In the Moscow and Krasnodar region.

While it remains only to hope that in 2017 the question of tinting will change for the better and all changes in the current bill will lead only to improving the safety of both drivers and passengers, so pedestrians.

Tensions of punishment for tinting from January 1, 2017 is due to the increased amount of accidents due to the deterioration of the driver. Initially, an artificial decrease in the light transformation of the glasses was made to protect the material of the interior decoration from burnout, for some types of special purpose transport. For violation of existing norms, a penalty for tinting can be written. From January 1, 2017, a new law will come into force, the knowledge of which is required for drivers.

Tinging standards of car windows in 2017

To familiarize yourself with the current vendors of the car visibility, it is necessary to explore the technical regulations on the safety of the vehicle. Norms are described in section №4. Changes or other adjustments are not planned in the near future. The new law can be accepted only on the basis of an approved project that is not yet.

Existing automotive tinting norms:

  • For windshield and side, providing driver overview. The light coefficient must be at least 0.7. The exceptions are cars of category M1. For them, the characteristics of the film on the rear windows are not normalized.
  • The sticker of the filter strip in the top of the windshield is allowed. Valid width - up to 140 mm, its valid parameters are not specified in the documents.
  • It is forbidden to use a coating with a mirror effect, regardless of its location on the external elements of the car.

Also forbidden to install any objects or structures on glass. They interfere with the review. Exception - passenger vehicles category M1. It is allowed to install curtains or similar light-protective elements from the passenger side.

The rear window and the side passenger can dial up to complete opacity. In this case, the traffic police officer cannot write a fine.

Fines for tinting from January 1, 2017

At the beginning of autumn 2016, a bill was adopted, providing for an increase in fines for non-compliance with tinting rules. His appearance is due to a massive violation and ignoring current legislation.

The amount of the fine has increased to 1500 rubles. With a subsequent similar impaired, it increases to 5000 p. If, after that, changes in the car were not fulfilled in accordance with the law - deprivation of driver's license. But the last item was removed from the project.

It is noteworthy that these changes were not accepted. The answer to the urgent question , what a penalty for tinting the front windows is the old standards. According to the content of clause 3.1 of Article 12.5, the CACU employs such rules for the formation of recovery:

  • size is 500 rubles;
  • the driver is given 10 working days to bring the characteristics of the car in accordance with the technical regulations;
  • the amount of subsequent fines for tinting does not change - 500 rubles.

Alas, but this measure is not enough to ensure the security of all participants in the movement. In fact, after the formation of the protocol, the intruder has 10 days, during which it can use a motor vehicle without any concerns that does not meet the technical regulations.

Features of the calculation of light transmission and its check

Is it possible to independently determine the degree of light transmission for all types of car glass? In addition to the classic film stickers, special models with an internal polymer coating can be used, painting in mass. The last two are made only in the factory.

You can find out the importance of the factory change of light transmission from the technical documentation. To calculate the possibility of using a tinting film, it is necessary to take into account this coefficient for coating and glass. Without additional layers of windshield and side windows skip about 80% of light. Those. In fact, it is possible to reduce this indicator by only 10%. Therefore, it is recommended to buy and install a film with a 90% bandwidth.

During checking light glass, traffic police officers must adhere to such rules:

  • Measurements are performed using a tumter. The device must be sealing, the original certificate is attached to it. Damage to the case, seals or other defects do not provide the ability to apply the device.
  • Air humidity during measurements - up to 45%. Exceeding this indicator will lead to an inaccurate result. Solution - to transport the car in a dry box.
  • Temperature limits - from -10 ° C to + 35 ° C.
  • Measures of humidity and air temperature are carried out by a traffic police officer with appropriate devices.
  • The minimum number of measurement points on the glass is 3.
  • The operation is performed in the presence of witnesses.

The violation of at least one of the above items is the basis for the recognition of the written protocol invalid. Therefore, during the inspection, it is recommended to conduct a video to confirm the fact of violation.

Dissatisfaction of motorists does not subscribe from the moment the adoption of the law on the standardization of tinting for vehicles. Norms and requirements are tightened, and fines grow every year. By the way, the opinion of the car owners was already divided, some believe that the tinting of the car is particularly necessary, others, do not part with the opinion that the car without tinted glass is not a car at all.

We will figure it out in the now existing and future GOST-Ah, as well as, as far as punished for violation.

Additional information at the time March 21, 2018

At the time of March 21, 2018, any changes in the penalties for tinting or in the technical regulations for tinting changes did not occur. However, it is already known that in the spring of this year, deputies of the Russian Federation are going to return to the discussion of the issue of raising fines. According to preliminary information, stalls for incorrect tinting may increase to 10 times.

According to a new discussion, it is planned to increase the penalty for the first time to 1,500 rubles (against 500 to date). And when repeated violations will have to pay 5,000 rubles. How the legislators themselves assure themselves, the likelihood that the new law will be accepted quite high.

For tinting, in addition to a fine, will write out the requirements for eliminating the offense and cancel registration. And this is not a joke.

If you first hear about this, then briefly explain the logic of both measures of collateral:

The DPS inspector has the right to demand the termination of the offense, it does not even specify anywhere that it must be written; Toning is a violation that obviously arose on the way, because the traffic police officer has the right to demand the cessation of further movement with violation;

The cessation of registration is allowed by inspectors with the relevant Order No. 1001, in paragraph 51 of which it says that this procedure is carried out when the faults are detected, with which the Office is prohibited.

Permitted toning in 2017 according to GOST

In 2017, a law on deliberate darkening of car glass will be adopted. This will be one of the most discussed bills, in the automotive segment. The main aspect of the draft law will be an increase in a fine for violation, as well as possible tightening of norms. And now, many think about possible consequences, and about when, all experts and deputies will come to a common opinion.

At the moment, the penalty is equal to 500 rubles, for violation of standards. In 2017, it is planned to raise the size of a fine up to 5,000 rubles for repeated disorders. This measure will be introduced to replace the deprivation of rights. If you look at this draft law, you can see the pros and cons. For example, a minimum penalty will be 1,500 rubles, which will make the violators think. But the maximum fine of 5,000 rubles will become an alternative to the deprivation of rights for three months, so the choice will remain for the driver.

Also, a special limit on the number of disorders will be installed, allowing 12 times to pay the minimum penalty for violating toning standards. At the 13th time, you will have to choose. Between the deprivation of rights or deprivation of 5,000 rubles. Also, unknown, the future of the factory tinting, inappropriate standards.

Toning of the front windows in 2017

According to the government, the lack of tinting on the vehicle - increases road safety, and facilitates the detection of offenders to other law enforcement units. This is a lot of examples when they detained armed criminals. But there is another side that collects signatures of citizens of the Russian Federation against this draft law.
But back to tinting the front windows and windshield, the bandwidth of the light of which should not be less than certain standards. For example, the windshield should skip at least 75% of the light flux, and the front side windows are required to skip at least 70% of the light flux.

It is worth noting that the tinting of the rest of the glasses is not normalized by law and GOST, it is allowed to tinted with any film and any means. As they say - which is not prohibited, then allowed.

Also, in law. An individual item is derived that any tinting cannot distort the perception of flowers by the driver. That eliminates the use of various color films. The next nuance, drawling by car owners, not allowing to use even light tones of the film. This consisting in the fact that windy glass of modern cars can absorb up to 20% of the light flux, and old and up to 25% of the world.

The cost of toning

It is worth reminding that fines for the discrepancy between tinting with modern standards are constantly growing. Therefore, it is worth thinking before making a decision, about tinting a car.

Let us turn to the very essence of tinting, many car owners, prefer to tint the car on their own, with a certain experience, work is not difficult. But it is worth noting that for the first time there will be mistakes and errors. But this is a good chance to save money and acquire a good experience. At the very extreme case, the money saved is better to spend on the second attempt.

To begin with, you need to select a toning film, and determine the degree of tinting. Here you can give advice, do not save money on the film, buy high quality. In this case, you can count on accurate characteristics and durable service. Such a film is easier to glue yourself. When buying, consider the required amount, and purchase with a margin just in case.

When accessing specialists, several tinting options appear. The first of them is the usual tint film, the cost of pasting film is not expensive. And if you compare the quality with your own work performed, then you should pay. You will get your car faster, while, the quality of work will be higher.

Another method of tinting is a spraying of the toning layer on the glass, while the toning is better and similar to the factory. But such an effect is obtained in the presence of high-quality equipment on the car service, and experienced masters. Such pleasure costs from 5 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the scope of work and quality of work.

Electronic tinting is the most modern word in this matter. A special transparent layer is applied to the glass, changing its properties of transparency when applying a certain voltage. This will allow you to turn on and off the car tint by pressing the button. Agree, it is very convenient, for example, in the dark, when driving back. But the cost of electronic tinting will not please the car owners who want a fashion tint on the car, they will pay from 1,000 dollars per square meter.

And in Russia, increasingly gaining popularity, removable silicone tinting. Such toning is quickly installed and also quickly removed, while it can be used repeatedly. And the price tag begins from 4,000 rubles for a passenger car.

Question answer

Question: The windshield is toned with a very light film, will the punishment be?
Answer: Punishment will follow if light-resistant will not meet the standards when measuring the instrument.

Question: I have a removable toning on the front glasses, I will be fined if the inspector stops me, and I will take the tint.
Answer: Since you eliminated the cause of the violation in place. That should not be fined.

Question: On my car installed factory glasses with light-resistant 65%, where you can find a certificate that these are factory glasses
Answer: In this case, you urgently need to order a certificate at the manufacturer's factory.

Question: In front of the measurement of light, I removed the toning film, which the inspector began to demand it for measurements. Having received a refusal, the inspector conducted a car inspection and with understaters seized a film for the measurement. Then. A fine was discharged. Tell me, were the actions of the inspector?
Answer: Since the violation was eliminated in place, and the film is your property, the inspector did not have the right to render it and perform measurements. The discharge protocol and the actions of the inspector can be appealed within ten days.

Question: As of health, ultraviolet rays are prohibited, can I completely toned the car on this basis?
Answer: For these cases, there is a special transparent athermal film. At the same time, you must have a certificate for it and a certificate of the disease.

From January 1, 2017 . Now this question is discussed by many motorists.

Also, they are collected again to consider the draft law on illegal tinting of the autoglass. It is planned to raise a fine, now the fee for violation will turn out in 5,000 rubles. This innovation will be replaced by the item on deprivation of driving rights for the secondary violation.

Now there is a law, according to which car owners who challenged the requirements for the light transparency of the glass machine, pay the penalty amount of 500 rubles.

All changes and amendments will take effect on the first day of the new 2017. But the public is already divided into those who accept an updated law, and those who do not agree.

The bulk of motorists takes leading innovations as proper, performing everything that is required. They understand that without these rules, when transporting on roads, the conditions are unsafe.

But it is almost always not to do without a group of persons who do not agree with new rulings. And collect signatures against them.

News on the topic:

Whether tonirovka will be allowedin 2017.It is interesting to know any owner of the car. Today, transport managers can toned the glass parts of the car, the main thing, comply with all the prescriptions on this subject:

  • Side and front panels, light-ups are provided with 70s percent.
  • The windy windows have a light transmission to a maximum of 75 percent.

The struggle of activists is reduced to parameters 60 and 40 - a percentage. Opponents of innovations prove their rightness, refer to tinting with stylish and fashionable decoration that also gives a lot of functional benefits:

Why do you need a tint law in 2017

Some citizens are perplexed why so much noise from nothing? Is there a need to amend the law? The deputies were published by statistical information on violations on the question of darkened autoclates. Even in 2016, the figures were sad. Penalty for tinting 2017 It will be more significant than billing in 500 rubles.

Not everyone also understand how dangerous movement with a darkened glass on the highway at high speed modes. The stars were calculated that about 50 thousand car owners ignored the tinting rules. It was revealed that most often disorders occur in the Moscow region and Krasnodar and its area (the region).

What a driver toned car knows

If an employee stopped the car with a blackout, you need to know that:

Toning 2017. It must correspond to the GOST, therefore, if the motorist makes darkening the cabin, he must understand that the checks are inevitable.

Tricks for motorists

  1. Some manage to use automatic tint. Acquisition of expensive device will relieve penalties. The chip is in glass - chameleon. It is capable of changing the colors, just that was dark, and now transparent. The cost of this utility is about 10 thousand dollars. This pleasure is not cheap, so we look at paragraph 2.
  2. You can make toning on tape. Toning is applied over the transparent film that bilateral tape is attached to the glasses. Detected quickly. But not all inspector are under such. An experienced policeman can compile a protocol on the offense, where it will be able to indicate that the protective film is illegally installed and deleted during the machine stops by the inspector. To prove its right and innocence will have to be in the courtroom.
  3. Parking type tinting. The use of plastic curtains will cost approximately 100 dollars. They can be quickly removed before the post of traffic police. The main thing is that the inspector does not notice.
  4. The presence of double-glazed windows is even more convenient, but also they stand more than 500 dollars.

Not to paypenalty for tinting from January 1, 2017, Good application of a set of "cunning" means of tinting.

GOST and standardization

  • In the front windshields, the bandwidth of light rays should be at least 75 percent.
  • Doors in front, according to standards, skip light by 70 percent.
  • There are no such hard rules such hard rules to other glands, there may be different tonings.

It is impossible to allow the glass of the car to have a variety of colors and shades, as it will distort the perception of glass, that is, on the road.

The use of films is prohibited in the vehicle SP80 and 90:

  1. Modern foreign cars, namely frontal glass, is absorbed about 20-% of light radiation.
  2. Old windshields are absorbed more than 20%.
  3. The rear and passenger windshields are not toned. And the back is absorbed more.

So, tinting tax in 2017 will be 1 500 rubles. Car owners will have to choose, tuning the car completely, resort to cunning tricks or abide by the letter of the law.