The jailers told how the Bittsev maniac lives. Serial killers of Russia (Alexander Pichushkin - "Killer with Chess Board") Pichushkin Our President

Only in "MK": Maniac Pichushkin destroyed people, making himself a god of the forest

The name of this person blood will be inscribed in the history of Russian forensic.

33-year-old Alexander Pichushkin on nickname bitsevsky maniac For many years he kept the capital in fear. In terms of the number of victims (61), he survived his idol Andrei Chikatilo. And he himself regrets only that he did not have time to surpass all the killers.

Now Pichushkin is waiting for the trial. The other day the choice of jury will be completed, and in October 2007, folk judges should give a legal assessment to the actions of this person. However, is a person? Those who communicated with Alexander, another opinion on this matter.

Maniac on the set of genes - a loud statement or terrible truth? And how to determine his followers, which maybe among us? In this and tried to figure out the "MK".

"Do not say that you understand it. You are not able to do it if you have no blood 61 victims. "

"Do not say that you sympathize with him - this will cause a sense of pride in it for the deed."

"It is impossible to tell him about shame, pity, universal morality, ask why he began to kill, laugh at his ideas."

"You ask how to communicate with him then? Any and listen. "

Such instructions before communicating with Pichushkin were to memorize how "our own", all operatives. Is it not true, it seems to those instructions that the Starling agent received from the chief before the meeting with Dr. Lecter in the famous film "Silence of Lambs"? This story is generally very similar to the movie. On the scary thriller, in which the last frame has not been removed.

See maniac and survive

"In my work there were three marriages - when the victims, unfortunately, remained alive, - recalled Pichushkin. - When did this happen for the first time? On the twenty-fifth corpse. "

"MK" found those lucky. Who happened to see the maniac, go to the Bittsev jungle with him and get out of there alive, albeit crippled. Alas, their fate further developed so that it is not known what the outcome would now prefer these unfortunate.

Maria Viricheva arrived in Moscow from Tatarstan at a very girl, she was not twenty. Traded with a stall with cosmetics. I got acquainted with Pichushkin in 2001, shortly after the new year. The meeting place is popular among local fans of alcohol "drunk" Piglet at the metro station "Kakhovskaya". Here the maniac often brought future victims.

"Let's go with me, I strained the smuggling goods in the forest. Tolki, Nava will. And then let me share with me, "the girl suggested that Pichushkin. She agreed. Why? Alexander flashed on the "Pigatch" more than once and not two. So, your own. So, with such even in intelligence, even in the forest for a dubious product. And when Pichushkin suggested at the same time to celebrate the holiday (just approaching February 23), Maria rejected the last doubts.

Around the well, he grabbed a woman for his hair, hit a few times ... Masha fell down the height of eight meters. The mine ended with a horizontal tube with a diameter of about one and a half meters. The circle is darkness, the river from unclean is buried in the pipe. In this hell, Maria feverishly smoked on the walls of the pipe, trying to cling to at least something. For a whole hour (!) She swam in a dirty juicy before was able to cling to the bracket.

With difficulty moving by numb fingers, Maria began to climb upstairs. She managed to slide a slightly lid of the hatch, looked up her hand, pulled up and ... fell out of the well. But there was no strength to go - only screaming remained.

Only the next morning, women who walked around the forest, heard moan cars. They called for help guards garage cooperative, those called "ambulance". Her endurance and thirst for life struck physicians.

Masha spent a long winter night in the forest! At the same time, on a woman who was on the 6th month of pregnancy, there were only tights from the clothes - the rest was charged. But Viricheva not only survived, she retained the child! And closer to the summer gave birth to a girl.

Alas, on this happy part of the story ends. In 2004, Viricheva took a prison for participating in the street group robbery. Three years later, he was freed, got into the shelter of the Red Cross. Initially, Maria was looking for her daughter on orphans, then she left and escaped. No longer heard about her.

And Manyak Viricheva did not give out. I was afraid of revenge, probably. She said that she accidentally fell into the hatch - walked and stumbled. Pichushkin, meanwhile, continued to kill.

The second "lucky" - 14-year-old Mikhail Lobov. Victim "number thirty one."

Fate did not indulge Mikhail since childhood. As soon as he passed 10 years, father died. After a few years a mother died. The older sister did not want to raise his brother and gave him to the boarding school at Kakhovka, where the first steps did the singer Jura Shatunov.

Artist, like the majority of orphanages, the foreheads did not. He constantly ran away from the boarding schools, from receivers-distributors, from police departments. But her legs themselves led him to Kakhovka, where childhood passed. Mikhail came to know Pichushkin.

"Help move things. TV, computer, TO-CE. I will pay generously, 500 rubles of the ladies, "it turned out somehow a maniac to Mishke. The guy from the joy is already shook. He did not even ask which televisions can be carried from a deaf corner of the Bittsev forest. And I didn't really have time to understand what was happening, "suddenly someone grabbed him behind his feet, pushed - and now the boy flies into the abyss. And over his head slammed the slamming lid of the hatch.

Misha half an hour sailed through the sewer mine. The guy waited for terrible death in uncleanness, if it were not for chance. In one of the wells, the shutter's bracket was located lower than in the rest, - to last arm and grab. Mishe managed to cling to it and get out to the surface.

Where are the foreheads now? In places are not so remote. Having survived the second birth, he did not take as the mind, but became a "Fortery". Recently fell over a series of apartment corners. And completely satisfied with his fate: there is no fear of the maniac in the colony.

By the way, the day after the happy rescue of the foreheads again, like a moth candles, rushed to the metro station "Kakhovskaya". And fell on the eyes of Pichushkina! But for some reason he did not seek the sacrifice for some reason. I did not regret no - there was no such word in the lexicon maniac. Just thought that the boys still no one would believe.

And it turned out to be right! Misha more than once and not two tried to tell about a terrible man from the forest. But from the snotty boy, besides the toxicomican, they only shouted. And Pichushkin only laughed. And continued to kill.

Konstantin Polycarpov will not testify against Alexander Pichushkin. Although he is also a victim.

Moreover, men familiar well: they lived in one house and until 2002, even a neighbor was friends.

Just Konstantin does not remember anything. Neither Pichushkin offered him to go to walk into the forest, neither got a hammer because of her sinuses. The fact that the 31-year-old Muscovite survived is a real miracle. The criminal actually acted: 4 shock on the back of the back, then the throw in the well. Who will survive after that?

Konstantin got out of the Bittsev dungeons. But nothing of what happened is not survived in his memory. As a result of injuries, the brain was damaged.

After a while, he, like Misha Lobov, met Pichushkina on the street. "Hello, Sasha", - washed a neighbor-disabled person. "What happened to you?" - asked the executioner. Polycarpov only shrugged.

"I woke up in a well with a broken head. I don't remember anything else. "

"I am not terrible," the maniac thought at that moment.

Today, Konstantin moves with difficulty. Every three months he is forced to contact the doctors. And only one thing could be said to all the questions of the correspondent "MK":

I do not believe people anymore.

After the case with polycarpov, Alexander decided to improve the murder way. And only for sure.

From now on, the forests of unfortunate Muscovites began to find in the forest. On each Pichushkin left his "branded" label - stick or bottle stuck in the head.

Black murderer

From the testimony of Alexander Pichushkin: "I did not like the sound of a hoarse body. When I crashed the victim my head, the air was very loud through the brainstava. It could also attract passersby attention. After all, I often killed not far from crowded paths. But then a television transmission of scientific content came to help me. There I learned certain information about the structure of the brain. If you move the brain, there will be no greed. For this purpose, a bottle of vodka or a stick approached. It was also a kind of control shot in the head. So I could be sure that I left behind the corpse. And at the same time the subject in the head became my "black mark".

From the point of view of psychiatry, the choice of Pichushkin is quite logical.

Sticking the subject in the head is an attempt to rise above the victim, "MK" mental psychiatrists explained. - It is sociopathic behavior, pathological development of the personality. In a calmer shape manifests itself in sadomasochist relations. In any case, it is a sublimation of sexual instinct. Serial criminals are trying to reanimately experienced sexual experiences. And stick, bottle - all these phallic symbols.

... Each criminal, obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bmurder, has its favorite sign. Sadist from the thriller "Seven" chose the symbols of mortal sins. Buffalo Bill from the "silence of lamb" was obsessed with larvae and butterflies. Alexander Pichushkin distinguished the strange love for Vodka "Golden Veles". Bottles from this hot drink Migniac left in the crime. The price of the "symbol" and indeed symbolic - 28 rubles per bottle.

The choice of the symbol is not accidental. Veles is the Slavic god of the Hunters of the pagans, and, it seems, Pichushkin himself brought himself his right hand. No wonder the maniac confessed what the Bittsev forest knows how his five fingers is better than any forester.

And even before the maniac's arrest, the detectives made a corpse detection card. And unwittingly ash. Do not want it yourself, they painted ... The Old Slavonic Cross - two intersecting straight lines, covered on top of the "lid-house". With a point of intersection of the crossbar on the "Bald Mount" - a small platform in the middle of the forest, where the figures of the ancient gods are cut out from the tree.

Other crime guns are quite primitive. Pichushkin always took a nail with him - so that it was easier to open the lids of the hatches. And the hammer acquired in the usual store. Moreover, the maniac was a picky buyer: I tried different hammers on the weight, I crushed the one that was suitable "by hand." The joiner by education, he, as no one knew that for a good deal there should be a reference tool.

After each crime, Pichushkin as an instructive owner rinsed the gun in the pond. Two hammers he drowned - they say, tired of "work" with the same tool.

Somehow the maniac decided to try out the "shooting" fountain pen. He acquired a novelty from his former colleague - men once worked together at a pharmacological warehouse. But shot two people, Pichushkin understood: firearms - not for him. And again, threw a handle in the pond. It was then necessary to extract from a reservoir with a magnet.

The owner of the gift maniac, by the way, also killed.

"Catch me if you can"

The whole "season of hunting" Alexander Pichushkina can be divided into two periods. "Closed" - when the carriers hid the body. And "open" when the killer left the corpses at the crime scene. Why did the maniac suddenly changed the handwriting? The answer to this question is again in the field of psychology.

About the fate of those who were on the path of the maniac in the "first period", no longer know anything for a long time.

A classic example is Mikhail Odikeuk, a pichushkin one-chain on vocational school. It was he who opened a terrible list of monster in 1992. "MK" has already described in detail about this case. Sadist dealt with the buddy just to feel what it is like to kill a person. Odohuk fused in the sewage, through our newspaper it was announced in the wanted list, and many 14 years old about Misha was not known.

Pichushkin committed the next crime only in 2001. Nine years, monster as if she slept, attached, waiting for his o'clock. And then rushed ... The murders followed one after another, almost every week. "I liked to look at death agonia," said Alexander at the interrogation.

Who are these unfortunate, who went on the call of Manyak to the Bitsevsky forest, like sheep on a miscarriage? Homeless, drunkards, people without a genus without a tribe? Yes and no. In a terrible list, there are many simply cut Muscovites, there are intellectuals, in the past, quite successful citizens. One simply was uncomfortable to respond to a request for a certainly sane by a person, others wanted to pour alcohol grief - it doesn't matter with whom, if only a person was good ... "These were just weak people - both spirit and body," the operatives state. Yes, and Pichushkin himself later admitted: "I was unpleasant to kill lucky. In the circle of the victims, I chose only those who I liked. I wanted these people to be left with me forever. It seemed to me that their best qualities would go into me. "

In 2002, a violinist named after Herman was killed at the hands of Maniac. A successful musician from Balaklava Prospect began to spawn. Herman was kicked out of the house, he went to live in the forest. And there she accidentally met Pichushkin. The violinist is one of those two whom the maniac shot.

That period of life Manyak was generally varied. He seemed to be looking for optimal murder ways. One friend, Yuri Kuznetsova, Alexander drove to vodka to unconsciousness, and then he looked at the unfortunate mouth and his nose for a few minutes. Another, named Vyacheslav, Pichushkin lured - no not in the forest, but in the entrance of a residential building. And pushed out of the window of the 16th floor.

Just in that period, the criminal almost died. One Obelchka had a worthy resistance and almost already overwhelmed the maniac. But evil turned out to be stronger - Pichushkin scored the unfortunate nail-holder.

Of course, it was almost impossible to understand that all these crimes are practically impossible. Bitsevsky maniac as it would not exist in nature. And Pichushkina became boring.

The killer decided to challenge the militiamen: "Note me! And catch, if, of course, you can. "

A peculiar "happy birthday" of the Bittsev Manyak can be considered on October 14, 2005. Then in the Bittsev forest park discovered the corpse of the arrival from Serpukhova, 31-year-old Nikolai Vorobyov. Kolya-Bizhik - so called his friends with a "drunk" patch.

Alexander invited Nikolai to the woods to drink - to remember the deceased porones. He chose a place in advance for the commemoration (more precisely, for the future murder). However, the sparrows as if I felt something - I like the nearest shop and refused to go on. "Well, let's give vodka," Milns Pichushkin. As soon as Nikolay leaned over the package, the maniac struck him on his head with a hammer.

Stunned man jumped up, rushed to run, but the sadist caught up with him. Hit again. Sparrow fell, then rose with difficulty, again darted in the thicket ... This nightmare continued for quite a long time - the homeless would almost have managed to reach the saving edge leaving for Ludid Balaklava Avenue. But Pichushkin did not think to let the victim from the forest. He just played with him like a cat with a mouse. And having written, licked the unfortunate. Experts counted 21 wound on the head! "Bums are surprisingly a surcharge," the maniac will say deeply.

On that day, Pichushkin returned home in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit. Now he is the owner of the forest. And let someone try to stop him!

Bloody harvest devil

The most "fruitful" period of the Manyak activity is the end of 2005 - the beginning of 2006. During this period of time, the sadist killed 2-3 times a month.

November 16, 2005. The 63-year-old Nikolay Zakharchenko was found in the Bittsevsky Forest. Former sergeant of the police, all his life was guarded by the bank, at the end of the years she did to work in the FSUE "Torium". Killing him, Pichushkin, it seems, really lost the human appearance. "Even a man is not under the power," the experts were brought together, studying what was left of the head of the unfortunate old man. Even the version appeared that Zakharchenko pleased under the press in the native enterprise, and then brought the body into the forest - from sin away.

November 21. Killed 36-year-old Oleg Lavreno. "For happiness" went to Moscow, throwing a cousin's cousin in Kamyshin. In the summer of 2006, only the jaw found from him - the rest was removed the dogs.

November 28. 73-year-old Peter Dudukin killed. From him began the "pagan" series - Magyak won a bottle of vodka in the head of the victim's head.

December 6. The 72-year-old Nikolai Koryagin dies from the hands of the killer - a prisoner of the concentration camp, a veteran of war ... That day the pensioner visited the clinic. The road went through the forest. What already "hung" Pichushkin an old man with a wand and a hearing aid - a maniac does not remember himself. And again - a fragment of the vodka bottle with a label, stuck in the tree.

December 19th. The 64-year-old Boris Grishin was only out of the passing of the bituminous plant. Sin does not miss a glass-other after shift. Substitute - here as here. He already knows where the victims are better to lie. After this murder, the headquarters were created on the capture of maniac.

December 26th. The 51-year-old Alexander Levochkin was killed, also a lover of a hottest. The unfortunate had to collect in parts - stray dogs splashed her head, then there was a dog-icing dog.

February 27, 2006. The 55-year-old Yuri Romashkin killed. His criminal also stuck a stick.

March 4. Pichushkin killed 68-year-old Stepan Vasilchenko. Professor, a famous philologist, he brilliantly knew 7 foreign languages, and externally brushed to Ivan the Terrible. I had the negligence to agree on the proposal to celebrate the arrival of spring in the forest park. The sadist broke the hammer as an unfortunate head, and then stuck in his head.

March 23. The 24-year-old Mahmoud Zholdoshev is killed - the colleague Pichushkin (he worked as a loader in the same store), a large father. By the way, even something like sympathy was experiencing to Him Pichushkin. " Good guy- He later responded later about Mahmud. "I even allowed him to make fun, which I usually did not descend to anyone." Zholdoshev was high, wore heel shoes. So that it was more handy to hit, Alexander asked him to raise his bag from Earth. Mahmoud tried to escape, but stuck in the snow, and the sadist finished him.

11 April. Another colleague, a 48-year-old saleswoman Larisa Kulygin, dies from the hands of the murderer. By that time, the maniac was already actively looking for, and Pichushkin decided to hide the corpse again. He sacrifted 16 blows with a hammer on the head, and then dropped the body into the collector. Alexander hoped that the corpse would take the flow, as it happened more than once, but in a few days the body was floating out of the pipe. For a long time, a woman was listed unidentified. Only in early June, the operatives found in the forest a torn passport Kouligina in the forest.

By the way, it was after this murder of Guardians of the order for the first time they saw the Bittsev maniac. Moreover, he approached them himself - when the opera came to the store, where Kulygin worked! Alexander Rokhal, he felt, spread his hands and said that he didn't even represent how this could happen. Militiamen left and left.

And Pichushkin, grinning, again went hunting. Last time.

In mid-December 2010, an eurchated body of 69-year-old employees of the Nii of Solar and Earth Physics Olga Pie was found in Akademgorodok Irkutsk. Unknowns struck her thirty knife wounds. Soon the attempts were made by several more women and men, the streets of people were found on the streets of Akademgorodok, the corpses of people with crashels were found. The police wandered their hands, and the locals arranged rallies with the call to stop the maniac. Only six months later, two buddies were detained - 19-year-old Artem Anufriev and 18-year-old Nikita Lykin. They confessed in committed crimes, at the same time, noting that they began to kill due to the fact that in 2007 they looked at the television program about the Bittsev maniac Alexander Pichushkin, who killed about 50 people in Moscow.

Young people lived next door, got acquainted via the Internet. Included, they opened the group "Vkontakte" called "Pichushkin - our president". Now it consists of about 500 people, some of them are real admirers of the Bittsev Manyak: they collect his photos, they write poems to him and even buy checkered shirts. It was their Pichushkin who preferred to wear.

Artem Anufriev. Frame: Russia 1

IN social networks There is at least a dozen groups dedicated to the Bittsev Manyak, the total number of their readers reaches thousands of people. Basically, teenagers between the ages of 16 and 25 years living in Russian villages and small cities are communicated in such groups. His idol they are affectionately called Sanka. Each of the fans finds in Pichushkin "Something for themselves": some respect him for the fact that he allegedly killed only alcoholics, others - for the fact that he did not come across the police for a long time. Young people get acquainted and begin to communicate with each other not only in the group.
"I like his reasoning, the attitude to life, in general Sasha is simple without you * Bowls, it is not easy," writes the girl Lera Galikhaidarova, which, according to its personal page, 29 years old. She loves horror movies, rock bands "King and Jester" and Rammstein, as well as actress Renate Litvinov. She often quotes the Bittsev maniac and belongs to him with swelling.
"Sasha's fans are not so much, Bundy or Menson have them much more. Pichushkin attracts Meken just simplicity: they say, I did it, here are all the details, I do not repent, I do not fear the punishment and I do not think that I made something wrong, "says Valeria.

Nikita Lykin. Frame: 5 channel

Pichushkin himself repeatedly spoke of himself as a good psychologist. During the court hear, he told the jury, as possible in the shortest possible time to arrange a person to him and lure him into the forest. Some of his victims, he offered to drink, to others - told plaintive stories about the dog's deceased and buried in the forest. The maniac scored victims with a hammer, he stifled them, shot and confronted with high-rise buildings. He committed the first murder in 1992 at the age of 18. He strangled his classmate Mikhail Odiychuk and dropped his body into a well. In this case, he was even called for interrogation, but the police did not pay attention to the traces from the leaving on the hands of Pichushkin. As a result, the maniac killed, according to him, six dozen people. In general, Pichushkin considered court sessions As a platform for broadcasting your own worldview. He told dry and in detail about all the murders perfect, while occasionally diluting the facts with their reflections on value human life. Observers noted that at the trial, the Bittsev maniac behaved definitely and amazingly, which arose some people, in particular, adolescents.

17-year-old Ivan, living in the village of Olkhovatka of the Voronezh region, an agile admirer Pichushkin. He studied the biography of the Bittsev maniac and reworked him.

"He was attracted by the fact that he is a real great man. Those who are now called themselves people are weak and insignificant creatures that are trying to become similar to real people, "says Ivan confidently. He believes that the instinct to kill is laid by nature, "and those who suppressed him in themselves are weak." In the Bittsev Maniac Ivan, everything likes everything, the young man equates Pichushkin to God.

Alexander Pichushkin, the so-called "Bitsevsky maniac".

"Sasha killed friends, acquaintances, alcoholics, homeless. The closer to you a person, the stronger the emotion when you kill it. This is his words, and he is as always right, "says young man. According to him, the maniacs - "these are just real people." However, he believes, not all worthy of such a high assessment, but only such as Pichushkin.

"He killed not for the sake of sex or money, but for his own, just for pleasure," says Ivan. He is generally picking up in the maniacs: let's say, Andrei Chikatilo and Ted Bandee do not like him that they have sex with their victims. And American schoolchildren who come to schools and shoot in their classmates, Ivan and contemptuously calls upon "Lohami."

"The maniacs must kill stably and for pleasure, and not came-grown and imprison," explains Ivan. He claims that he himself did not kill anyone solely because he is bothering "inappropriate situations," but he thinks about it constantly.

With plans for the future, Ivan has not yet decided, it knows exactly what the family has been going to start.

"I love animals, and I hate children," says young man. According to him, he was ready for the murder for a long time since childhood. Ivan Ivan to friends and parents who consider "good," does not tell him about his passion. He claims that believes in God and dreams to become famous.

Alexander Pichushkin.

In social networks there is a personal page of Alexander Pichushkin, created by his admirers. By the way, they put it in one row with Ludmila Alekseeva and Andrei Sakharov, calling Pichushkin by a public figure. On the Maniac page, phrases spoken by him in court are regularly published. Almost all his replicas are marked by the "I like" icon. The interests of Pichushkina are defended even those who are not ready to commit murders.

"People tired of seeing this dirt on the street. So they built him in the rank of saints, "says the active member of the Pichushkin Pichushkin, 21-year-old Paul. He argues that it consists in a group exclusively "for the sake of interest."
"This is very entertaining and interesting in terms of psychology," says Paul. He himself does not share the interests of Pichushkin, but he holds radical nationalist views.
"Oh, not at that time Alexander began his game, and not those figures! Now, if in December, he began the cleaning of the capital from Caucasians, then nothing would no longer stopped this avalanche and we would cleanse our country from the Caucasian nationality persons! "Paval reflects. He notes that the Bittsev maniac began in a sense the "symbol of the struggle against the system." However, he himself still does not intend to take the hammer.

"Kill, albeit not very useful people, is not acceptable to me. You can only kill for self-defense purposes, and otherwise it is already a perversion of some, "says Paul. And immediately adds that one way or another maniac is every person.

"The maniac is a person who does not know the sense of measure in his activities. We are all a little maniac. But each in its system: someone obsessed with machines, and someone blocks the phones. Well, someone collects the ears of your victims, "says Paul. Pichushkin, by the way, said the same thing about his acquaintance. He collected bottles on the street.

"Also a maniac, in a sense," Pichushkin spoke about him.

Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Scientific Center of Mental Health, Sergey Yenikopolov, claims that the likelihood that young people who are sympathetic to Pichushkina will really kill - great. Moreover, he does not deny that killings may be provoked by friends in interest.

"Teenagers can push each other to make such" feats ". Young people generally today are much less controlled by schools and parents, "says Yenikopov. At the same time, according to him, some of those who now promote murders can thus try to attract attention to themselves.

"Parents will not be able to predict similar changes in the children's psyche, as a rule, they will learn about this postfactum," says the psychologist. He notes that modern teenagers are quite closed.

Of course, another group was created in opposition to the group of fans of Pichushkin, the Bittsev Manyak hate.

"Together, we must make the closure of this group, because of respect for the relatives of the dead," says Elena Popova. However, while the groups are fighting each other only by means of mothers and mutual threats.

Now Pichushkin is serving a punishment in the "Polar Owl" in Yamal. In the same place, for the polar circle, there is an ex-major Denis Essyukov, who has shot people in the supermarket. The court ordered to leave them there for a life sentence, although Pichushkin and walked to give him 25 years, probably hoping on the par. His fans list money and write letters to prison. The followers of the Bittsev maniac Artem Anufriev and Nikita Lykin will be at a minimum until October in the SIZO. They, like Pichushkin, is already gaining his own group of fans.

Punishment: Murders Number of victims:

60 (48 confirmed)
survivors - 3.

Murder period: The main region of the murders: Method method:

Stunning hammer dropping into well


Getting pleasure from the kill process. Desire to exceed the number of victims of Andrei Chikatilo

Arrest date:

Alexander Yuryevich Pichushkin (April 9, Mytischi, Moscow region) - the serial killer sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of committing 48 murders and three attempted murder. Crimes committed in the metropolitan Bittsev forest park. The people became known as "Bitsevsky maniac".


Father left the family when Alexander Pichushkina was only 9 months (according to other versions - there was no father at all). After that, the boy grew up with his mother, and his grandfather took an active participation in his upbringing. In 1976, he and Mother moved to live from Mytishchi district to Moscow Zyuzino neighborhood, Kherson Street. Alexander did not hooliganil, seemed modest and noticeable, loved to play chess. He had strangeness in behavior, one day he shocked everyone, drawing Lenin in a naked form. Soon, according to Mother Pichushkin, an accident happens to him - it falls from the swing and gets a cranial injury, after which it turns out in the hospital. As a result of injury, Pichushkin had complications with a speech - he was «Sh" and "C", and also became mistaken in writing these letters, because of what the mother translated him in the 138th speech therapy boarding office. After the boarding school, Pichushkin goes to learn in PTU to the carpenter.

First murder

Alexander first killed in 1992 at the age of 18: strangled the classmate Mikhail Odiychuk and threw him into the well. The body was not found. "The first murder is like first love, it is impossible to forget" - after 14 years, he is recognized at the interrogation.

Life between murder

Pichushkin thought about the first murder for quite a long time. After some time, he realized that he would like to kill yet. Finally, he understood it after the trial of Andrei Chikatilo. Later he admitted that he envied him and wanted to surpass in the number of victims. Pichushkin carefully prepared for the murders: he trained, dried muscles. Like Chikatilo, he wore checkered shirts and collected all newspaper articles about him. There is a version that Alexander's mother knew about it, but did not attach great importance.

Series of murders

During the commission of the killings in -2006, he lived with Mother, Natalia Elmuradovna, in Moscow on Khersonskaya Street, not far from the Bitsevsky Park. Until 2006, he worked as a supermarket in the supermarket at Kherson street. After the arrest, Pichushkin said that he wanted to kill at least 64 people, so that the number of victims was equal to the number of cells on the chessboard. After each murder, he glued the number and closed the cell by any object (cork, checker, etc.). However, at one of the interrogations, it stated that after filling all the cells would have bought a new board. Only Troim after the attempt managed to stay alive. At first, Pichushkin tried to kill alcoholics, homeless and other asocial personalities, in his opinion, who did not have the right to life. Soon he switched to his acquaintances, claiming that "kill whom you know, especially nice."

"Bitsevsky maniac"

Rumors about the maniac, a flying in the Bitzovsky Park, went for a long time, from the 1990s, but the Pichushkin did not have a relationship. The maniac has unfolded since 2001, but then neither the police nor the prosecutor's office suspected of the existence of a serial killer. Due to the exhaust technique of getting rid of the corpses with the help of sewer hatches and notice the traces, all disappeared people were listed until the end of 2005. It was from the fall of 2005 that the press began notes to appear about the frequent cases of murders in Bitz. It was explained by the fact that Pichushkin stopped hiding the corpses, wanting to declare himself. The "corporate sign" of the criminal - a sacrifice of the victim's head and inserted into the open wound or the bottle inserted into the open wound - they proved: the serial killer worns in the Bitsevsky Park, which attacked mostly on older men. However, no events for capturing a criminal, including round-the-clock park patrol by employees in civilian clothes and observation of the area from the helicopter, did not give results.


On June 16, Alexander Pichushkin himself was detained. After a while, the arrested stated that it was he who was "Bittsev Manyak", but search activities They continued, as investigators did not exclude the possibility of self-shaped. A few days later, Pichushkin gave testimony for other crimes committed in the territory of the Bitzovsky Park.


According to the investigation, Pichushkin committed crimes from until 2006. The most actively accused acted in -2006 in the territory of the Bittsev forest park in the south of Moscow. Basically, the victims of the defendant were men, among the victims there were only three women: two were killed (Larisa Kulygin, Marina Moskaleva), an attempt was committed (on Maria Virichev). The appointed lawyer of the defendant Pavel Ivannikov said that his support recognizes the guilt in full. The exact number of victims of the Bittsev Manyak is still unknown. Earlier in an interview with one of the TV channels, Pichushkin said that he made 61 murder (at that time he did not know that Maria Viricheva survived after the attack). If you believe in different sources, Pichushkin declared a murder of 60, 61, 62, or 63 people. In the last interview spoke only about sixty:

At the same time, according to him, many of his victims were his acquaintances. According to Pichushkin, he started victims under various pretexts in the forest park, where he killed them with blows of the hammer on the head and hid the body. During the investigation, Pichushkin showed several burial sites killed. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed the opinion that Pichushkin in cruelty surpassed even the famous serial killer Andrei Chikatilo, executed in 1994 for killing 53 people. He also stated that if he could not be detained, he would not stop killing:

Offers a sentence of a special regime "Polar Owl".

In mass culture

  • The story of the Bittsev Manyak was based on the four-sterile film "Gardener" ("when the rain end") - a joint special project of the TV company "Teleman" and the first channel of Russian television, based on the detective series "Trail".
  • Frequent recognition. Confession of the Bittsev Manyak. (Exclusive NTV).
  • The horror of the Bitsevsky Park (2007).
  • Discovery. Military chess player.
  • Manyak children.
  • Reporter stories. "Devil's lawyers".
  • sentenced for life: 61th victim

Other facts

  • From December 16, 2010 to April 3, 2011, a wave of murders committed by 18-year-old Anufrieyev and Nikita Lytkina, who lived in the local Akademgorodok, was held on Irkutsk. No concrete in the choice of victims was present (among the victims there were a 12-year-old boy and an unknown homemade). As a weapon, they used hammers and knives. During the consequence of the killer reported that in 2007 they looked at the TV program about Alexander Pichushkin, they became interested in them (Anufriev even created the group "Pichushkin - our president"), and it was after that they had a desire for the example of Pichushkin, to kill those Who did not have, in their opinion, the right to exist.

see also


  1. The jury recognized the Bittsev Manyak guilty of 48 murders and three attempts. NEWSRU (October 24, 2007). Archived
  2. :: Pichushkin, Alexander
  3. Bittsev maniac - woman? . Komsomolskaya Pravda (April 25, 2006). Archived from primary source June 3, 2012. Checked March 27, 2012.
  4. Bittsev maniac captured? //
  5. A suspect in the commission of serial murders in the Bitzovsky Park is detained. (June 18, 2006). Archived from the original source February 20, 2012. Checked on August 14, 2010.
  6. // "Bittsevsky maniac" hide from relatives of the victims
  7. "Bitsevsky maniac" switched to women? - Komsomolskaya Pravda, June 16, 2006
  8. Bitsevsky maniac: For me, life without murders - as for you without food - "Komsomolskaya Pravda", July 14, 2006
  9. Bitsevsky maniac recognized the sane - "Komsomolskaya Pravda", April 4, 2007
  10. The prosecutor's office of the city of Moscow completed the investigation of the criminal case on the charges of Bittsev Manyak Alexander Pichushkin
  11. In Moscow, a trial began on the Bittsev Manyak (Rus.). Komsomolskaya Pravda (August 13, 2007). Archived from the original source February 20, 2012. Checked on August 16, 2007.
  12. The jury unanimously recognized the "Bittsev Manyak" guilty (Rus.). (October 24, 2007). Archived from the original source February 20, 2012. Checked October 24, 2007.
  13. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation left a sentence "Bittsev Manyak" (Rus.). RIA Novosti (February 14, 2008). Archived from the original source February 20, 2012. Checked October 20, 2009.

Bitsevsky maniac - Alexander Pichushkin yesterday began to testify in the process passing in the Moscow City Court. The shower was overly frank with jury. "I am a professional. Killing people - not nails smoking," he boasted. The accused of a murder of 49 people and 3 assassinations for the murder of Pichushkin admitted guilt on the four episodes of the case, one rejected and reminded that only 63 sacrifices in his account.

The first murder of Pichushkin committed in 1992, when he was 18 years old. Last - in 2006 Most of the atrocities he made in the territory of the Bittsevsky Forest, for which he received his nickname. Under the pretext, to open a bottle started a person in a deserted place and killed a strong blow on his head with something heavy. Pichushkina detained on June 16, 2006 - three days after another crime.

The maniac decided to fill soul after the court questioned the victims and witnesses. He was in a clearly raised mood. "Do you recognize yourself guilty of charges charged to you?" - Mary Semenhenko appealed to Pichushkina. "Now I will comment on the situation," the defendant assured, "but there would be some entry before that." The introduction turned out to be lyric. "I wrote to the prosecutor poems. Can I give them?" - asked Pichushkin a judge. However, the prosecutor agreed to accept the message of the defendant only during the interruption of the meeting.

"At first I would like to comment on 52 episodes presented to me, but then I thought that it would be unfair to forget about 11 more people," Pichushkin began, but the judge was interrupted. Vladimir Usov explained that according to the law he can testify in court only within the framework of the charges charged him. "That is, you are interested only in 49 and 3, and 63 do not interest you?" - Surprised by the defendant, after which he began a story about his first atrocity - the murder of a classmate on V. Mikhail Odiychuk.

"I studied with him from 1989 to 1991, I was sitting at one desk. And in 1992 he sent him to the sky," the maniac said Paphos. He told that at first chose a friend as a partner, with whom he planned to start hunting for people. Pichushkin indicated that "in his own destination" he "by that time no longer doubted." "Odohuk approached me. There was a strong, nebolly, punctual, - said Pichushkin." He was not against someone to soak. " However, as the defendant admitted, soon he realized that Odohuk did not perceive his plans seriously. "In general, he was not capable of killing," the defendant noticed. According to him, then he decided to get rid of the accomplice. From April to July 1992, he, together with Odiichuk, wandered across the Bitsevsky Park in search of a place where it would be possible to hide the corpse of the future victim. "Odohuk walked with me, but did not understand that he was looking for a grave himself," Pichushkin grinned. According to the maniac, it was during these walks that he had to use sewer wells to use the sewer wells: "They fit perfectly: people disappeared and no one knew where they were going."

Pichushkin killed Odiychuk on July 27, 1992, lubricating to the park, where he said that he was supposedly "climbed the man and we will watch it." "My guess confirmed: Odohuk went to the opponent. Naturally, it was not in my plans," said the defendant, saying that he strangled the challenge with a rope, and the corpse dropped into the well.

Soon, Pichushkina was summoned to the police - the first and last time after the crime committed them: the militiamen became known that at one time Pichushkin took from Odiychuk and another one-line, Alexey Lavrukhina, the receipts that they were ready to voluntarily go away. "Why did you do it?" Judge Vladimir Usov was surprised. Pichushkin explained that he wanted to progress if Odiychuk's corpse would be found. After that, the villain told about three crimes committed many years later: the murder of Eugene Pronno (May 17, 2001), Larisa Klygina (April 11, 2006) and Marina Moskaleva (June 13, 2006). All their maniac knew well. And with Kouligina he even had a close relationship. Pichushkina liked to kill the familiar people: "What a person is closer, the more pleasant to kill him: you get emotions more."

He said that most of the victims were killed by the hammer specially purchased for this: "I chose it myself - cast, 800 grams. People wet - not nails to score. It is necessary that the tool does not fail."

About his last sacrifice, Marina Moskalev, Pichushkin told this way: "She, it sees, felt something. All the way was shaking. Even warned that he left her note with a note, saying who she left and where, - said the defendant." But I said It was noted anyway. I could no longer be killed. Therefore, it is not necessary to pierce the police to what I was caught. I passed myself. I am a professional. "

Despite the fact that Pichushkin willingly and in detail told about his atrocities, from one episode he flatly refused: from killing on August 27, 2003, Vladimir Ushakov. His corpse was found in Troparevsky Park. "In this park I was 20 years ago, back in childhood," the defendant said. Responding to the prosecutor's questions, he explained why he began to stick to the victim's head after the murder of a stick or a bottle. "At night, in the forest very quietly, and when a person lies with a broken head, wheezing out of it - loud and nasty. If you move the brain, the wheezes stopped. So I used that it came down."

His interrogation will continue today.

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