A list of control questions according to the "Rules for the safe operation of consumer electrical installations", "Rules of electrical installations". Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment General Requirements for Safe Operation Electrical Installation

  • 8. Basic principles of state policy in the field of labor protection
  • 9. Rights and guarantees of workers on labor protection
  • 10. Responsibilities of employers to ensure labor protection in the organization
  • 11. Responsibilities of workers to comply with the requirements of labor protection operating in the organization
  • 12. Features of women's safety
  • 13. Benefits and compensation for heavy work and work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, the order of their provision
  • 14. State supervision and monitoring of compliance
  • 15. Procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions
  • 16. Organization of preliminary and periodic medical examinations
  • 17. Classification of the main dangerous and harmful production factors, the concept of the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area
  • 19. Safety requirements for the device and the maintenance of access roads, roads, travels, passes, wells
  • 20. Requirements for the organization of safe operation of electrical installations
  • 21. Safety requirements when performing work at height
  • 22. Safety requirements for loading, unloading and transporting goods
  • 23. Ensuring fire safety
  • 24. Sanitary service of workers. Equipment of sanitary houses, their placement
  • 25. Security requirements for the device and the maintenance of access roads, roads, travel, passes, wells
  • 26. Safety requirements for storing materials on the territory of the enterprise
  • 27. General safety requirements of production equipment and technological processes
  • 28. Measures to protect people from electric shock
  • 29. Procedure for the investigation of occupational diseases
  • 30. The procedure for investigating accidents in production
  • 31. The procedure for issuing materials of accident investigation
  • 32. Supervision, maintenance and maintenance of pressure vessels
  • 33. The actions of managers and specialists in the event of fires, accidents, accidents and other incidents at the enterprise and the elimination of their consequences
  • 34. The procedure for compensation by employers of harm caused by the employee by injury, professional disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of labor duties
  • 35. Procedure for providing employees of the enterprise with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment
  • 36. Organization of first aid victims in industrial accidents
  • 37. The composition of first aid kit
  • 38. Instruction
  • Phones
  • Sudden death If there is no consciousness and no pulse on the carotid artery
  • The state of the coma if there is no consciousness, but there is a pulse on the carotid artery
  • Arterial bleeding in arterial bleeding
  • Wounding limbs
  • Thermal burns how to handle burns at the scene
  • Eye injuries
  • Fractures of the bones of the limbs What to do in cases of fractures of bones of limbs
  • First aid in cases of electric shock
  • Drop from the height what to do in cases of falling from a height while maintaining consciousness
  • Fainting
  • Squeezing limbs; Snake and Insect Bite
  • Chemical burns and gas poisoning
  • Indications for the main manipulation
  • Signs of dangerous damage and states
  • 20. Organization requirements safe operation Electrical installations

    The safety of the electrical installations is ensured by the fulfillment of the requirements of GOST 12.1.019-79 SSBT "Electrical safety. General requirements and the nomenclature of the protection of protection "," rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers "," Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations "," rules of electrical installations "," Instructions for use and testing the means of protection used in electrical installations ", other regulatory legal acts for protection Labor.

    Safety of the service personnel and improving the reliability of electrical devices are ensured by the correct organization of their operation.

    Operation of electrical installations is organized in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations" (PTEEP).

    The head (owner) of the enterprise should provide:

    - timely and qualitative conduct of preventive work, repair, modernization and reconstruction of energy equipment;

    - training of electrical personnel and verification of knowledge of the rules of operation, safety, production and official instructions;

    - the reliability of the electrical installation and the safety of their maintenance;

    - prevention of the use of technologies and working methods that have a negative environmental impact;

    - Accounting and analysis of violations in the work of electrical installations, accidents and measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence;

    - development of job descriptions and production instructions for electrical personnel;

    - fulfillment of the prescriptions of the statenergonezor organs.

    In order to directly perform the functions for organizing the operation of electrical installations, the head of the enterprise must appoint a person responsible for the electricity, as well as a person replacing it during periods of a long absence.

    If there is a post of main energy in the enterprise, the responsibility of the company's responsible for the electroremanship is usually assigned to it.

    An engineering and technical worker who meets the requirements of the Rules may be appointed responsible for the electroremanship.

    Order or order for the appointment of the person responsible for the electricity and the person replacing it during periods of a long absence (vacation, travel, illness), issued after checking the knowledge of these rules, safety regulations and instructions and assigning an appropriate electrical safety group: V- in electrical installations with voltage above 1000 V, IV-in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V.

    Allowed duties responsible for electroplating part-time.

    Check knowledge of the knowledge responsible for the electricity and persons, its replacement, in the commission of the territorial bodies of the statenergoneadzor is carried out at least once a year.

    The operation of electrical installations must be carried out prepared electrical personnel.

    Electrical personnel are divided into:

    - administrative and technical, organizing operational switching, repair, assembly and setup work in electrical installations and the direct participation in these works; This personnel has the rights of operational, repair or operational repair;

    - Operative, carrying out operational management of the enterprise, workshop, as well as operational services of electrical installations (inspection, maintenance, operational switching, preparation of the workplace, admission to work and supervision of working);

    - Repair, performing all types of work on the repair, reconstruction and installation of electrical equipment. The personnel of specialized services also refers to this category (for example, test laboratories, automation and instrumentation services), which includes testing, measurements, adjustment and adjustment of electrical equipment, etc.;

    - operational repairs from the number of repair personnel of enterprises or shops, specially trained and prepared to perform operational switches on the electrical installations enshrined after it;

    Service of electrical technological installations (electric welding, electrolysis, electrothermia, etc.), as well as complex energy-satisfied production and technological equipment, which requires constant maintenance and adjustment of electrical appliances, electric drives, manual electrical machines, portable and mobile electrical drivers, portable power tools, Must carry out electrical technological staff. He must have sufficient skills and knowledge for safe performance and maintenance Installation attached to him.

    Electrotechnological staff of production workshops and sections that are not part of the consumer's energy service that performs the exploitation of electrotechnological installations and having a group of electrical safety II and above, in its rights and responsibilities is equal to electrotechnical; Only, it is subject to the consumer's energy service.

    Heads, in direct subordination of which electrotechnological personnel are located, should have a group of electrical safety not lower than that of subordinate staff. They must implement the technical guide to these personnel and control over its work.

    The list of posts of electrical and electrical technological staff, who need to have a group of electrical safety, approves the head.

    Production non-electrotechnical personnel performing work with the danger of electric shock is assigned an electrical safety Igroup.

    Checking knowledge of rules, official and production instructions should be carried out:

    - primary - before admitting to independent work (after production learning, after accepting to work);

    The next one - its periodicity is established by PTEE;

    - for electrical personnel directly serving the active electrical installations and performing adjustment, electrical installations in them, repair work or preventive tests, also for personnel, issuing orders of organizing these works - 1 time per year;

    - for managers and specialists who are not believed to the previous group, as well as for labor protection engineers (from), admitted to inspection of electrical installations - 1 time in 3 years;

    - Extraordinary - in violation of the rules and instructions on the demand of the responsible for the electroreman or state supervisory authorities.

    Members of the Commission for Checking Knowledge and Assignment of Electric Safety Groups are defined in the name. The number of commission should be at least 5 people. The chairman and deputy (substituents) are appointed from the commission.

    The chairman of the Commission is usually appointed responsible for the electroactivity. At the same time, the Chairman of the Commission must have a VHRUPP of electrical safety if the electrical equipment has electrical installations with a voltage above 1000 V and not lower, if there is electrical installations with a voltage up to 1000 V.

    All members of the Commission must have a group of electrical safety. The list of members of the Commission is clarified annually and is approved by the head of the enterprise. The Commission's knowledge check may produce at least 3 people, including the chairman (deputy).

    When entering work (translation to another section of the work, the replacement of the missing employee), the employee when checking the knowledge must confirm the existing group in relation to the equipment of electrical installations on the new site.

    Depending on the degree of danger of enterprise personnel electric shock The following categories of work in electrical installations are defined:

    - with tension removal;

    - without removing the voltage on the current-carrying parts and close to them;

    - Without removal of voltage, away from the current-carrying parts are under voltage.

    Work in electrical installations is made by out-of-tolerance, managing, in the order of current operation.

    By fit, work can be performed in electrical installations, performed:

    a) with the removal of voltage;

    b) without removing the voltage on the current parts and close to them.

    The order is a job task that determines its content, place, time, security measures (if required) and persons who are entrusted with its implementation. The order is issued in the operational journal.

    Current operation is electrotechnical personnel independently on the site attached to it during one work change in accordance with the approved list of works performed in the order of current operation.

    Organizational activities that ensure the safety of work in electrical installations are:

    registration of the outfit, orders or a list of works performed in the order of current operation;

    issuing permits for the preparation of the workplace and to admission to work in cases determined by the rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations;


    supervision during operation;

    registration of interruptions in the work, translation to another place, the end of work.

    The technical measures ensuring the safety of stress removal are as follows:

    the necessary shutdowns are made and measures are taken that prevent voltage supply to work due to the erroneous or spontaneous switching on switching apparatuses;

    on the drives manual and on the keystore keys of the switching devices, prohibitive posters are hung;

    checked the absence of voltage on the current-carrying parts, which must be grounded to protect people from electric shock;

    mounted grounding;

    posted posters "grounded" are hung out, it is limited if you need workplaces and the remaining current-carrying parts, warning and prescriptive posters are postponed.

    Make job tasks and give oral orders can face with qualifications not lower than the IV setup group to 1000 V and not lower than 1000 V. Installation groups

    By the degree of danger of electric shock, industrial premises are divided into:

    - premises without increased danger;

    - rooms with increased danger;

    - Especially dangerous premises.

    Premises with increased danger are characterized by the presence of one of the following signs of increased hazard:

    a) dampness;

    b) conductive dust;

    c) conductive floors (metal, earth, reinforced concrete, brick, etc.);

    d) high temperature;

    e) the possibilities of simultaneously touching a person to having a compound from the ground with metal structures of buildings, technological apparatus, mechanisms, etc., on the one hand, and to metal housings of electrical equipment - on the other.

    Particularly dangerous rooms are characterized by the presence of the following signs:

    a) special dampness;

    b) chemically active medium;

    c) the simultaneous presence of 2 or more conditions of increased danger.

    Premises without increased danger are characterized by the absence of the above conditions that create an increased and special danger.

    Measures to protect people from electric shock:

    - grounding;

    - rewarding;

    - protective shutdown;

    - separation transformer;

    - small voltage 1242 V;

    - Double isolation;

    - equalization of potentials;

    - potential leveling (rules of the electrical installation device (PUE)

    - location of current-handing parts (TWH) in an inaccessible height (2.5 m);

    - fencing of available TVF;

    - use of reinforced isolation;

    - locking device;

    - use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including tools with insulated handles;

    - admission to the maintenance of electrical installations of only persons with the appropriate group for electrical safety, which have been trained and verifying knowledge with themselves a certificate of testing of electrical safety knowledge that do not have medical contraindications and has reached 18 years of age;

    - Regular holding:

    - insulation inspections in electrical installations;

    - checks of work of protective grounds, reassembly, shutdowns and blocking


    - Tests of PPE and tool;

    - technical inspections, current and average electrical installation repair;

    - training, certification and re-certification of personnel;

    medical examinations.

    When organizing and conducting work using a portable power tool, the requirements of the section "Labor protection when working with portable power tools and lamps, manual electric machines, separation transformers" rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations.

    Operation of electrical installations of enterprises provides for maintaining the normal operation of electrical equipment of electrical installations, including liquidation emergency situations, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of electrical installations.

    The main task of any enterprise is to ensure the safe operation of electrical installationsWhat is ensured by compliance with existing regulatory documents.

    Electrical installations They call the totality of machines, apparatuses, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with structures and premises in which they are established) intended for production, transformation, transmission, accumulation, electrical energy distribution and / or CE transform into another type of energy. Electrical installation is a complex of interconnected equipment and structures.

    Example of electrical installations: electrical substation, power line, distribution substation, condenser installation, induction heater.

    The organization of safe operation of electrical installations in the enterprise is a very difficult system, the performance of which is provided by several services that are guided by various regulatory documents, depending on the type of enterprise.

    Consider the main questions regarding ensuring the safe operation of electrical installations in enterprises.

    Repair of electrical equipment of electrical installations is made in accordance with the graphs of the current and approved enterprise management and major repairs electrical equipment.

    On each industrial enterprise There are persons responsible for the electroremanship of the enterprise as a whole, as well as for individual sections. Consider for example the structure of the power supply company.

    At this enterprise there are several sections that organize electrical installations:

    Substation service (ATP) - is responsible for exploiting the electrical equipment of substations;

    Operational dispatching service (ODS) - organizes safe service substations by operational personnel;

    Power lines service (SLP) - organizes works on the planned and emergency repair of the LEP, which are underway to this enegrosnabe company;

    The relay protection and automation service (CRP) - performs the operation of relay protection devices, automation and secondary circuits of electrical equipment of the enterprise substations;

    Department of the electricity considers issues regarding the installation of accounting devices, their calibration and working capacity;

    Test service, insulation, diagnosis, overvoltage protection (SIF) - controls the state of insulation of electrical equipment and overseas protection devices in electrical installations, in particular tests electrical equipment electrical installations.

    In addition to the above services, there are many other departments in the enterprise that regulate various issues ranging from accrual wages, ending with work with the staff of the enterprise.

    If the number of served objects of the enterprise is quite a lot, then they can be divided into several structural units. This, first of all, makes it possible to significantly simplify the organization of the service of electrical installations of the enterprise. In this case, each structural division There will be several substations, power lines, laboratory, etc.

    Requirements for the personnel that serves electrical installations of the enterprise

    In accordance with PBEE, personnel serving the electrical installation of the enterprise is required to pass:

    Medical inspection within the deadline;

    Instructions on labor protection, and work technology;

    Anti-emergency and fire training;

    Periodic testing of PBEE knowledge.

    In addition, the employee must undergo training and test knowledge by profession.

    In accordance with the rules, an elegant system is provided to ensure safe performance of work in electrical installations. That is, the equipment is discharged to fulfill the equipment repair. This document indicates the name of the electrical installation, the work performed, the composition of the brigade, the time of work, as well as basic security measures that must be applied to ensure the safe performance of work.

    In addition, work in electrical installations can be performed by order or in order of current operation. General recommendations for which works are carried out by along, which by order, and which in the order of current operation, are given in PBEE.

    The management of the enterprise is approved by the relevant lists of work, in the preparation of which are guided by local conditions, namely the works carried out in one or another electrical installation of the enterprise.

    At each enterprise there is a labor protection service and fire safety. Each employee serving the electrical installation should explore the instructions for from and PB and check the knowledge check in the relevant services. In addition, the employee must be able to affect, use the means of protection and primary means fire extinguishing.

    When performing work in electrical installations, persons who are responsible for safe work are prescribed. Performing work using special equipment (excavator, autotower, crane) is carried out according to the PPP - project production project.

    It is made according to the technological maps, which indicates the name of the work provided for in one or another type of maintenance, as well as the technical characteristics of the equipment, the correspondence of which is checked at the end of the equipment repair work.

    During operation, all electrical equipment and electrical networks of enterprises are under constant supervision of duty electricians and are exposed to periodic inspection, preventive tests and repair. In addition, some work in electrical installations perform workers who have no qualifications of electricians. At the same time, some likelihood of a person touching the current parts is possible.
    Electric current passing through the human body can cause severe injuries, and sometimes death. The degree of electric shock is determined by its strength, the nature of the passage of current through the human body, the duration of its passage, its frequency and individual properties man. The most dangerous current of industrial frequency. High frequency currents do not cause electrical shock, but during prolonged passage can lead to excessive heating or burns of individual parts of the body. With the strength of the industrial frequency of 0.05 A, passing through a person, a fatal outcome is possible, and the current is 0.1 A and the fatal outcome is more inevitable. The most dangerous lesions occur when the current passes through the heart and the brain.
    The strength of the current passing through the body of a person when it is accessed to the voltage, depends on the value of the applied voltage and the resistance of the human body. The human body resistance varies from several hundred to tens of thousands. The resistance of the human body is sharply reduced with dense clogged conductive dust, moistened with emulsion or other solutions of the skin.
    Security conditions when working in electrical installations depend on the degree of humidity of the room, the temperature of these rooms, the presence of a conductive medium. Therefore, when working in tanks, where there are large surfaces of a well-conductive metal, allowable by safety conditions of portable lamps is taken equal to 12 V. in other cases usually rules of operation, voltage is allowed 36V.

    When designing and building electrical installations, conditions always take into account ambient And provide for events that prevent electric shock during the operation of electrical installations.
    The environment of production and household premises, which contain electrical wires and equipment, can destroy to act on isolation and thereby increase the danger of human damage to electric shock. According to the state of the environment in terms of the danger of people's damage to electric current, industrial and household premises are divided into three categories: without increased danger, with increased danger and especially dangerous.

    The requirements for safety regulations for electrical installations are satisfied with a number of safety measures, namely: the use of appropriate preventive posters and protective fences that impede access to the uninsulated parts of electrical installations under voltage:
    constructions protective grounding or shutdowns that prevent the danger of touching people to the metal parts of the equipment normally not under voltage, protective agents, appropriate organizational paperwork.

    The use of certain safety measures depends on the rated voltage of the electrical installation. The settings with a rated voltage to 1000 are distinguished in inclusive and settings above 1000 V. Maintenance of existing electrical installations, preventive tests, repair work, installation and disassembly of installed electrical equipment produces only personnel who have passed a special instruction and testing of safety knowledge. These persons establishes a qualifying group that determines the circle of work to which they can be allowed to be issued about the corresponding certificate. Persons who do not have such a certificate to independently carry out any work in the exploited electrical installations are not allowed.

    Organizational events.

    Organizational activities that ensure the safety of work in electrical installations are:

    Registration of works by outfit, by order or list of works performed in the order of current operation;


    Supervision during operation;

    Registration of a break in the work, translation to another place, the end of work.

    Responsible for the safe maintenance of work are:

    Outstanding outfit, giving a disposal that approves a list of works performed in the order of current operation;

    Responsible manual of work;


    Manufacturer of work;


    A member of the brigade.

    Technical events.

    In preparing the workplace with the removal of voltage, the following technical measures must be performed in the specified order:

    The necessary shutdowns are made and measures are taken that prevent voltage supply to work due to an erroneous or spontaneous switching on switching devices;

    On the drives manual and on the keystore keys of the switching devices, prohibitive posters must be posted;

    Checked the absence of voltage on the current-carrying parts, which must be grounded to protect people from electric shock;

    There is grounded (ground knives are included, and where they are missing, portable groundings are installed);

    Posted posters "grounded" are posted, if necessary, workplaces and remaining current parts, preventing and prescribing posters are posted.

    The safety of the operation of electrical equipment is provided by the structure of it (fencing, blocking, alarm system, grounding, etc.), as well as events of an organizational and technical nature, performed by the personnel in the service of electrical equipment (techniques safe work, various protective equipment, etc.).

    The study of the electrical equipment and rules of its operation should be the basis for the preparation of personnel. In case of inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, check whether there are no faults that create a risk of electric shock.

    Places where it is possible to touch the current parts, should be fenced and equipped with posters "Do not touch! Vital! ".

    The protective fences of the current-carrying parts of electrical equipment must comply with their purpose and have sufficient mechanical strength. All connections of the output ends of the electrical machines and connecting cables should be constantly fenced with special covers that exclude the possibility of touching the current parts.

    Metal parts of electrical equipment, which are not under voltage, but may be under it when damaged isolation, should be securely grounded. Special attention must be paid to the state of grounding of electrical equipment installed on the shock absorbers.

    To facilitate the maintenance and possibilities of fast and error-free orientation, the cables and wires of the electrical tracks must have a clear labeling. Lighting shields, consoles and control and measuring instruments should be uniform and not to cause a blinding action.

    In case of inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, it is prohibited:

    ˗ Close the passages near electrical equipment;

    ˗ Include electrical equipment in terms of malfunctions, as well as in its R isol below the permissible norms;

    ˗ Use control lamps in voltage circuits above 220 V;

    ˗ make measurements by current-measuring ticks on switchgear tires;

    ˗ use electrical equipment with an excess of power and overload time specified in formulars and instructions;

    ˗ supply power for portable electrical equipment from contact compounds and parts of electrical equipment that are not intended for these purposes (knives of switches, fuse sponges, etc.);

    ˗ hang, as well as keep portable lamps and tools for the wire;

    ˗ Apply autotransformers and resistance to reduce voltage when powered by portable electrical equipment;

    ˗ use a faulty tool and devices;

    ˗ Replace the devices (ammeters, etc.), requiring the gap of the primary chain without removing the voltage;

    ˗ Use solvents and detergents for flushing electrical equipment that are not provided for by the provisions of ships;

    ˗ Alone change factory electrical circuits and setting up adjustment devices.

    All work on the inspection and repair of electrical equipment under normal conditions should be carried out with a voltage removed. Work under voltage is allowed only in emergency cases With mandatory observance of activities that ensure the safety of their implementation.

    It is prohibited to carry out work on non-disconnected electrical equipment installed in raw, explosion and fire-hazardous premises.

    Starting machines with faulty start-defense equipment is prohibited.

    When serving running electrical machines, it is prohibited:

    ˗ remove the housings, fencing;

    ˗ Replace brushes;

    ˗ Reinforce the windings;

    ˗ wipe collectors and other parts of electrical installations that are under voltage, gasoline and
    other flammable liquids;

    It is carried out in a room where machines are working, any work, causing dust formation, splashing liquid and scattering (flying) of metal particles.

    It is forbidden to enter the main distribution panels and control panels not allowed to their maintenance.

    All types of protection must be in good condition and in the action of electrical equipment are included. It is forbidden to make forced jamming and disabling protection devices.

    Joint storage, as well as joint charging alkaline and acid batteries are prohibited.

    When servicing cables and lighting networks, it is prohibited;

    ˗ Store foreign objects on cable tracks;

    ˗ Use luminaires without caps and grids;

    ˗ Splicing cables laid in pipes.