Which countries belong to foreign countries. Countries of far abroad

The Russian Federation supports close relations with the CIS countries and the European Union (EU), as well as with Asian, African states. Russia exports abroad industrial products, in particular, equipment, machinery, oil, gas, metal products, coal and chemical products. Full information on foreign countries (including the CIS countries), with which Russia supports close economic relations, can be obtained on our portal site, in particular, in the heading

Over the past year, oil exports increased significantly (by 18-20%) and petroleum products (by 6%). At the moment, Russia is the main exporter of oil in the world (its reserves amount to about 5% of the world), as well as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran and Iraq, Qatar and Norway, United Kingdom, Mexico and Venezuell, Nigeria, Algeria and Angola . In addition to increasing oil exports, Russian sales increased abroad by stone coal by 8-10%, aluminum together with ferroalloys (three times). At the same time, imports of industrial products to Russia from foreign countries (by 36.9%) significantly decreased.

Foreign economic trading relationships associate the Russian Federation with EU countries, in particular with Germany, Italy, France and Poland. The EU is a major trading partner of Russia, the countries of the European Union account for half the turnover, while the EurAsEC countries are only 9%, and the APEC state is its fifth.

European states

Russia supplies 93% of the exported oil into Europe, the main importers of which are Germany, Italy and France, as well as the CIS countries.

Germany It is engaged in exporting equipment for reactors, boilers, electronic and electrical equipment, chemical products and cars. Russia imports equipment and machines from Germany, chemical products. Energy (30-40%), metals, products and metals (up to 20%), chemical products (8-10%) are exported from Russia to Germany. Gradually, from the supplier to Germany raw materials of the Russian Federation turns into exporter of finished products.

France Cooperates with Russia mainly in terms of the aircraft industry, since it is this industrial product that exports.

Italy Trading equipment for reactors and boilers. From the country, imports of goods to Russia recently declined significantly.

Singapore Supplies to the global market (and resells) electronics and cars. To date, Russia bypassed Singapore.

Great Britain Exports industrial products produced by the Aerospace Industries. This country is an exporter of oil (in the territory of the state 150 oil fields, on the mainland there are 31 fields). In recent years, the export of goods to Russia has declined significantly.

Country of American Continent

USA Successfully sells reactors and boilers, vehicles, airplanes and electronic equipment. This country is one of the largest oil importers, although independently produces the fifth part of the raw material, which consumes. Most of the raw materials fall on vehicles. For the US, the Russian Federation is an excellent alternative oil supplier.

Of Canada In Russia and other countries are vehicles, machines necessary for agricultural work. Canada is an exporter of oil in the raw form, mainly in the United States and China.

Asian states

China It is engaged in exporting electronic equipment, which brings main income to the treasury. In the international market, the PRC is the largest exporter of electronic products. Also, China exports reactors and boilers to other countries. The PRC is committed to creating a strategic reserve of oil, so there is an increase in the import of this industrial product, in particular, from Russia. Oil and gas pipelines are being built from Russia to the PRC. China for Russia is the main trading partner. In China, Russia supplies its own cars and other industrial equipment (the proportion of these goods in the supply to the PRC in the pre-crisis period was 25%). True, some engineering and technical products Russia in China still purchases. China is interested in supplying its own products to the Russian market, as well as in obtaining access to Russian raw materials.

Japan Supplies to Russia mainly electronics, vehicles, as well as equipment for power plants. The main trading partners of the state are the United States and China.

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Choose a branch

Middle abroad (new abroad) is a conditional term, which includes all the former Union republics of the Soviet Union, which became foreign countries for Russia after the collapse of the USSR. It is designed to distinguish these countries from "old abroad", i.e. overseas states Outside the limits of the former USSR.

Far abroad (Old abroad) is a conditional term that implies a combination of all foreign states outside the former USSR. It is designed to distinguish these states from "near abroad", i.e. Newly emerged independent countries in the territory of the former USSR. In connection with the disintegration of the USSR and the formation of the states of the near abroad, the term "transparent borders" appeared, which means unhindered (free) migration between Russia and the states of the former USSR, despite the emergence of the official border. In fact, this phenomenon exists in relations between the United States and Canada, between Australia and New Zealand and in the most complete form - in the Schengen countries.

In contact with


Which countries are subject to neighboring, and what - to the long-distance? Discussions about this issue do not subside until now. What does this term denote? Which countries the Russian should consider "far abroad"? And do they represent interest for those who would like to change the place of residence?

Basic concept
In fact, this definition is very simple. The list of non-foreign countries includes those states that are not countries of the former Soviet Union. But there is a small note: once the Soviet Union included 14 republics. Some believe that Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are also "far abroad". According to this opinion, the countries of the near abroad are the following: Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia and Turkmenistan.

Where better to emigrate?
So, the list of foreign countries includes more than 250 countries. Most of them - and this is 193 countries - is part of the UN. And in each state its attitude to those who wanted to emigrate from their homeland and settle there. There are countries of far abroad, in which the Russian person is better and not to see. For example, one of these states is Japan. Move there to permanently residence - almost an unrealistic task. On the contrary, there are other places, move to which - almost anyway, to change the city in the territory of the homeland. For example, Belarus.

What is needed for emigration?
The first thing is necessary for moving to another country is a foreign language possession. Almost the entire list of non-foreign countries consists of their knowledge of language. If you know only one Russian, then the choice in front of the emigrant is small: you can move to Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, Belarus. At the same time, the larger number of languages \u200b\u200bowns the wishing to move, the more valuable. Language proficiency is easily proved and checked - for this you need to pass special tests or pass the exam.
From other requirements is professional qualifications and age. With professional qualifications, more or less everything is clear - the one who has valuable skills and experience is always the desired candidate. What about age? On the one hand, minor citizens cannot emigrate. On the other, if there are several candidates of the same age, migration services Always prefer the candidates of younger age. Of course, this is not the entire list of requirements for those who want to move. These conditions vary from country to country, and can vary significantly.

South America countries - the best place for emigration
The list of foreign countries for wishing to emigrate Russians often includes states such as India or Bali. But here, as elsewhere, there are a lot of problems that can be completely unacceptable for the domestic average - for example, floods, or employment problems. Therefore, often for moving the Russians choose the countries of South America. The list of foreign countries for emigration - namely, South American states - includes Colombia, Venezuela, as well as Ecuador. Move to Latin America - an order is easier and easier than, for example, in the United States. And there may be several reasons here.
These are not only attractive natural landscapes. Also in major Latin American cities, the infrastructure is sufficiently developed, here you can find comfortable conditions for life. Residence permit is easier than in other countries. The South American list of non-foreign countries for Russia may also contain the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Uruguay. The latter is often called "Latin Switzerland". After all, it is at this state that the state accounts for the largest amount of emigrants.

Australia: another attractive place
In terms of life, this distant country ranks third in the world. No wonder so many emigrants seek to try happiness here. Australia has the following advantages:
Here is a very high level social protection population. Medical service - free, pensions - high, and also there is a large number of benefits from the state;
Australian legislation provides for the possibility of moving to permanent ads for the whole family: the so-called "independent emigration program" allows you to move spouses and minors;
Only after 4 years of living, you can get citizenship and the possibility visa-free visiting almost any countries of the world;
Low unemployment among the population - in recent years it amounted to about 6%;
Regarding short emigration process. Registration of documents, their consideration, as well as departure - all this occupies an average of 1.5-2 years;
Good climate.
The main requirements for emigration to Australia are the presence of a popular profession, age up to 49 years, good knowledge of English, no conjunction and some other conditions.
Other countries near and far abroad: list of countries to move to permanent residence

Among other popular countries, the United States, Canada, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Thailand, New Zealand occupy the leading places. The easiest way is to emigrate to the state where the most flexible migration legislation. For example, all over the world is very popular with Canada. Special programs for emigrants from Russia and Ukraine have been developed here. By living conditions, New Zealand is similar to Canada. But here the level of education and human abilities is assessed stricter. Many also choose Spain as a new residence. This warm country is among the top five for emigration from Russia and Ukraine.
In the countries of Southeast Asia, it is also relatively simple. For example, quite flexible migration legislation operates in Thailand, India, Vietnam. Here you can live for some time on educational or tourist visa. Get them easier than in other countries. Despite the loyalty of the procedure, it can last for a very long time. The undoubted advantage of these countries is low prices for renting housing, clothing, food.
The list of foreign countries for Russia is huge - after all, with the exception of 14 states, this is the whole world. The pros and cons is everywhere. Stay in the homeland, or choose a new refuge, everyone decides for himself.

Which countries are in far abroad? And got the best answer

Answer from Natalia [Guru]
Far abroad - an unofficial term in Russia after the collapse of the USSR for the overall designation of non-neighboring countries, that is, as a rule, such states that have not become part of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Contrary to geography, to "far abroad" include countries having a common border with Russian Federation, such as Finland, Norway, Poland, Mongolia, PRC, DPRK, and sometimes the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia).
Of course ... there are no countries included in the CIS

Answer from Roofer best[guru]
Israel, USA.

Answer from Ђemirlan Kairat[newcomer]

Answer from Azalea Muhametshina[active]
List of countries Baltic countries: Lithuania - in the area The largest state of the Baltic States (65.3 thousand km2). The capital is the city of Vilnius. By the type of government - the parliamentary republic. The population is about 3 million people. Latvia is located in the northern part of Europe. It has common borders with Lithuania. The area of \u200b\u200bthe state is about 64.6 thousand km2. The number of population is a little less than 2 million people. The capital is the city of Riga. Estonia is the smallest state among the Baltic countries (area - more than 45 thousand km2). The capital is Tallinn. It has borders with Russia, Latvia and Finland. The population is about 1.3 million people. The continuation of the list will consist of the following states whose description can be found below in the article. Azerbaijan. Ukraine. Belarus. Kazakhstan. Georgia. Moldova is located in the e-east part of Europe. It has common borders with Romania and Ukraine. The area of \u200b\u200bthe state is almost 34 thousand km2. About 3.5 million people live on this territory. Armenia is the country of Transcaucasia. Capital - Yerevan. The area is about 30 thousand km2. For a long time was in a military conflict with Azerbaijan. The population is about 3 million people. The countries of the nearest abroad (a list of former republics of Central and Central Asia): Uzbekistan bordered with five states: with Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. It covers the area whose area is slightly less than 450 thousand km2. The number of residents is almost 32 million people. Turkmenistan is a country that has access to the Caspian Sea. The capital is the city of Ashgabat. The state area is about 490 thousand km2, the population is more than 5 million people. Tajikistan is located in Central Asia. It occupies a territory of 142 thousand km2. Permanently resides more than 8.5 million people here. Capital - Dushanbe. Kyrgyzstan is a country located in Central Asia. It has borders with PRC, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, Kazakhstan. The capital is the city of Bishkek. The population is about 6 million people, the area is slightly less than 200 thousand km2. Azerbaijan among countries of near abroad can be noted by the Republic of Azerbaijan. The state is located in the Eastern Transcaucasus and washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. Its territory is 86.6 thousand km2, and the population is more than 9 million people. According to these two parameters, Azerbaijan is the largest Transcaucasian state. The capital is the city of Baku. -

Middle and far abroad. Middle abroad (new abroad) is a conditional term, which includes all the former Union republics of the Soviet Union, which became foreign countries for Russia after the collapse of the USSR. It is designed to distinguish these countries from "old abroad", i.e. Foreign states outside the former USSR.

Far abroad (old abroad) is a conditional term implying a combination of all foreign states outside the former USSR. It is designed to distinguish these states from "near abroad", i.e. Newly emerged independent countries in the territory of the former USSR. In connection with the disintegration of the USSR and the formation of the states of the near abroad, the term "transparent borders" appeared, which means unhindered (free) migration between Russia and the states of the former USSR, despite the emergence of the official border. In fact, this phenomenon exists in relations between the United States and Canada, between Australia and New Zealand and in the most complete form - in the Schengen countries.

Migration: Dictionary of Basic Terms: tutorial. - M.: Publisher RSUs; Academic project. T. N. Yudina. 2007.

Watch what is "near and far abroad." in other dictionaries:

    Far abroad - Far abroad emerged in Russia after the collapse of the USSR, an unofficial term for the overall designation of non-neighboring countries, that is, as a rule, such states that were not included in the Commonwealth of Independent ... ... Wikipedia

    Abroad far, near - Reality that appeared after the collapse of the USSR. The concept of "far" abroad unites all countries that were previously called "abroad". Middle (close) abroad former Union republics, which were used earlier in the USSR. The concept is associated with the whole ... ...

    Near Abroad - Russia is near abroad ... Wikipedia

    abroad far, near Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Jerebilo

    Abroad far, near - Realema, which arose after the collapse of the USSR: The concept of far abroad combines all countries that were previously called abroad, the former Union republics ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Directory

    Far - Far: Russia Far village, municipality "Matigorskoe", Kholmogorsk district Arkhangelsk region; Far village, Budarinskoye rural settlement, Limansky district of the Astrakhan region; Far village, Kizlyar rural settlement, ... ... Wikipedia

    abroad - abroad, Zheya, CP Sobir. The same thing is abroad. Far abroad. Extra abroad is the former republics of the former USSR ... Dictionary Russian nouns

    Abroad - abroad, me, cf. one. Foreign countries. Middle s. (Former Union of the Republic of USSR). Far z. (All other foreign countries). 2. Sobid. Emigrants, their lives and culture (usually about Russian emigrants of artists and science). Russian h ... ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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    abroad - Zhia; cf. Sobir. Foreign countries, foreign states. Middle s. (About countries that were part of 1991 in the USSR). Far z. (About all other countries) ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Middle and far abroad in the geoeconomic strategy of Russia ,. New Russia produces a new geopolitical and geoeconomic strategy in very adverse conditions. Toping (as part of the USSR) on the unbearable geeks in the conditions of extremely ... to buy for 850 rubles.
  • Russia, near and far abroad Asia. The book is devoted to the analysis of relations between Russia and Asian CIS countries and the False abroad. In the sections of the book with varying degrees of completeness, the main trends of relationships are considered ...